Your Child’s Baptism

If it’s your first time mom and don’t know where to start, don’t worry. Here are some tips and tricks to make your child’s baptism a memorable one.
Your child's baptism

It seems easy. But organizing your child’s baptism and celebration is not an easy task. It takes preparation, planning, and a budget to make sure everything works out.

Planning a baptism

Baptism is a religious event with a few hurdles. The baptism of your baby in the Catholic Church requires some basic knowledge.

Often times, the priest asks the future godparents to attend a class where they will learn what baptism means. You also get to know your responsibility as sponsors.

If the Church does not offer such classes , the priest will guide the godparents and you during the ceremony.

Most importantly, the godmother and godfather take part in the preparation of the event.

You can suggest that they buy the clothes or gifts for your baby. And of course, godparents should commit themselves to properly performing the sacrament.

Remember that this event a spiritual meaning and a great benefit  for your baby  has. That has to be taken into account right from the start.

If you choose to have your baby baptized, it is important to respect the ceremony. The same goes for your guests.

Choose your child’s godparents

The ones you choose to sponsor your little ones should be close friends or relatives. You should be committed to the role and devoted to the child.

According to Catholic tradition, sponsors should look after the child when the parents are no longer present. You should also guarantee that the child will continue to be raised in the faith.

Baby baptism black white
The father’s old drinking buddy is probably not the best candidate for this.

It’s best to choose someone in your close circle of friends or family who has a real relationship with your baby. Hence, family members can be an excellent choice.

Choosing your child’s godparents shouldn’t be taken lightly. Pick people who will make a positive impact on your child’s life.

Your child should be baptized in your ward

It is right that you can baptize your baby in any church. However, it is best to choose your local church.

So you stay in constant contact. It depends on the religious and family traditions of both parents.

It is  a good idea to have your baby baptized in the ward where your child will grow up.

This way, your child will later be able to perform the rest of the sacraments in the same church.

Stick to a moderate budget for the celebration

Some parents spend exorbitant sums of money on their child’s christening ceremony. But the truth is, you don’t have to spend a fortune.

There’s no need to rent an event venue, pay for a fancy meal, or hire a DJ. This is an unnecessary luxury when you think about it more carefully.

Your child’s baptism should be remembered for its special meaning. Not because of the holes she tore in your till.

Remember that having an expensive celebration can be very difficult financially. Also note that you will have many birthday parties and Christmas parties to pay for in the years to come.

When finances are troubled, keep the celebration simple. The best way not to break the budget for the celebration is to make the event more intimate.

Only invite close friends and family. Instead of paying for a thousand different services, you can set up your own buffet for the guests.

Baptism celebration

Opportunities for the celebration

Instead of renting an expensive hall, you can host the celebration in your own four walls. In some cities it is possible to rent gardens or other spaces suitable for events.

An outdoor party can be both enjoyable and inexpensive. Basically, there are many things you can do yourself instead of hiring and paying someone else to do it.

Today, many parents choose to celebrate their baby’s christening at the same time as their child’s first birthday. If this sounds like a good option, plan ahead with your church. This is the only way you can safely reserve a free date around your child’s birthday.

As you can see, there are several useful strategies for celebrating your babies’ baptism without stress.

But remember: the most important part of this event is the transcendent blessing that will be placed on your child’s life.

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