Your Cell Phone Addiction Harms The Children!

It is obvious that adults spend far too much time looking at their phones these days. The means of communication have changed and so-called social media and cell phones are indispensable for many people.
Your cell phone addiction harms the children!

But for many adults this is harmful because it removes them too much from reality. And what’s even worse: this cell phone addiction harms children !

The danger of cell phone addiction

Maybe it has happened to you too? Your child talks to you and tells you about their experiences and all of a sudden you catch yourself looking at your cell phone and no longer listening. For many children this has now become a sad reality. This mostly unconscious mobile phone addiction harms the children ! And as if that wasn’t bad enough, they grow up believing that this is normal and will therefore do it themselves one day. 

Constantly talking on the phone, typing messages and viewing posts seems to have become a common habit, but our cell phone addiction harms the children ! The intellectual and emotional damage it takes is far too great – this is especially true for very young children. Neurological studies have shown that children develop their language, emotional, social and motor skills the fastest in the first three years.

Cell phone addiction harms children

When parents become addicted to their cell phones, they are missing out on opportunities with their child that they can never make up for. When the mother or father is on the phone, there is no valuable time for interaction. All of this can lead to emotional problems or developmental delays in children. What suffers are elementary language skills or indispensable skills in interpersonal contact.

Face to face – the meaning

Parents need to deal with their child face to face. Only in this way can children acquire good habits and learn something new every day. This also applies to their behavior and emotional development. Children develop through the valuable time they spend with their parents – without any distraction. This is how they learn the language, master their emotions and thus also get to know and appreciate the value and joy of time within the family. 

 The problem is also that if a mother pays more attention to her cell phone than the children, they will try to change that. However, if the children attract attention, then the mother is easy to get upset and will lose patience with the little ones. This can be very painful emotionally for children because they do not understand what is going on. 

Cell phone addiction is synonymous with ignoring your child

It sounds terrible, but the truth is that the children feel ignored by their parents. They will also try everything possible to get their parents’ attention. This is irritating for both sides and also creates tension. 

When an adult replies to a message, the brain switches to urgent mode. If he is interrupted, it almost automatically leads to disgruntled behavior towards the children. It is unthinkable that parents should focus on their digital activities but unfortunately that is the reality. The children think they are not important. Feelings of rejection become widespread and cause great harm in the development of self-esteem. 

Cell phone addiction harms children

Our cell phone addiction harms the children – we have to change that!

We have to spend more time with our children without cell phones again. You must be able to get our undivided attention. Parents have to be aware of this. You need to talk to them every day and listen to them calmly.

Some measures should therefore be taken today rather than tomorrow so that cell phone addiction is contained and family life comes back to the fore:

  • Establish rules and time restrictions for using your cell phone at home.
  • Put interaction with your children first. That means that the cell phone has to be silent when you are with them.
  • The general time in front of the screen must also be limited.
  • Understand your child’s needs. It takes incentives and valuable family time every day.
  • Make a schedule for work too. You don’t have to check emails when you are with your kids. It can wait.
  • The cell phone doesn’t belong at the table. No way.

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