Woke Up From Coma By Crying Baby

This incredible story has gone around the world. It shows us once again how strong the bond between mother and child can be. 
Woke up from coma after crying baby

It is not uncommon for someone to wake up after being in a coma, but in most cases this is not the case.

It is a near-death experience that can have various medical causes. It is very characteristic that the person concerned is unable to react to external stimuli. 

It is always amazing when someone suddenly wakes up after being in a coma  for a long time  , almost as if a miracle had happened. This is a mystery for doctors too!

Today we report on the case of Shelly Cawley, an American woman  who was amazingly wrenched from a coma by her baby’s crying. 

This incredible story has gone around the world. It shows us once again how strong the bond between mother and child can be. 

A wonderful story

Shelly Cawley became a mother at the age of 23. An urgent caesarean section was necessary, which was performed in September 2014. However, during the birth of their young daughter, Rylan  , a blood clot developed in the mother’s lungs, which led to an immediate coma. 

The young mother could not recover from the caesarean section, but her daughter was very healthy. Specialists gave Shelly little chance because her health was very serious. 

happy family after mother's coma

Experts and nurses know the  importance of skin contact between mother and baby. The family accompanied the young mother in her coma for many hours until a nurse had the happy idea of ​​bringing the newborn with her and laying it with her mother.

She wanted to try to stimulate the mother through contact with her child. Ashley Manus, a nurse, knows that mother-to-baby contact is essential for the little one, so why shouldn’t it be the other way around?

The family filmed the moment the young mother woke up from the coma  and posted the video on YouTube. You can see Jeremy approaching his daughter Rylan, who is lying there unconscious. But she reacts immediately. It then took Shelly a week to recover.

Mother holds child after coma in her arms

Like a dream…

The mother says that she remembers a deep dream. Hearing her baby crying,  she forced herself to wake up from it. 

There is also a scientific explanation for this, because in a coma higher cognitive functions are paralyzed and everything is similar to a dream.

Although the affected person can partially perceive what is going on in the outside world, they are not able to react to stimuli.

So it is quite normal that Shelly  heard her girl crying and many other things,  but could not understand anything and could not react. However, the power of love was also able to overcome this difficult obstacle between mother and child.

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