What Is Symphysis Loosening During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy brings a lot of emotions, feelings and also physical changes with it. It is therefore not uncommon for expectant mothers to suffer from discomfort and pain. One of them is symphysis loosening. Find out more in our article today.
What is symphysis loosening in pregnancy?

As childbirth approaches, pregnant women often experience pubic sympathetic discomfort. Read on and learn more about the symphysis symphysis during pregnancy that causes this pain in today’s article . At the same time, find out what you can do to relieve symptoms.

Pregnancy is a time in a woman’s life that is full of emotions, feelings, and physical changes. However, these can sometimes be very uncomfortable. Each trimester has different symptoms that, while perfectly normal, can often be a concern for expectant mothers.

Definition of the pubic symphysis and the symphysis loosening

The pubic symphysis or Latin symphysis pubis refers to the cartilage that connects the two parts of the pubic bone. In general, this connection is very stable and calcified.

However, during pregnancy , women’s bodies release hormones like relaxin that increase pubic flexibility. This flexibility allows more space for the baby.

The symphysis loosening during pregnancy is a natural process

However, this natural process, for the benefit of pregnant women, causes great pain for expectant mothers. Add to this the added pressure of a growing fetus. This condition is known as symphysis loosening during pregnancy .

What is symphysis loosening in pregnancy?

Symphysis loosening during pregnancy is a common pain that women suffer from in the last few months of pregnancy. It refers to pain in the pelvis or pelvic girdle.

Pregnant women can notice pain in the front or back of their pelvis. These complaints can be subtle, acute, stabbing, mild, or progressive.

In general , the resulting pain can go away within a few minutes, extend over several days, and create uncomfortable situations.

While the symphysis loosening causes pain especially in the groin and pelvis, it also radiates towards the hips, the back and the inner and outer thighs. This makes certain positions difficult for the expectant mothers, especially during the night.

Treatment of the discomfort and pain associated with the relaxation of the symphysis during pregnancy

The relaxation of the symphysis during pregnancy has to do with hormonal changes and the pressure of an adolescent child.

It is a condition that disappears after birth. Note, however, that it can take several months for the pain to go away completely. However, there are several things mothers can do to help relieve their pain.

Maintain good posture

Without a doubt, this is the best way to avoid symphysis loosening symptoms during pregnancy. When standing or sitting, it is important to stay as straight as possible and align your legs with your hips.

As you sleep, you can place a pillow between your knees to keep your pelvis aligned. Also, remember to get up slowly, being as careful as possible.

When the symphysis is loosened, it is important to ensure good posture

At the same time, you should avoid lifting heavy objects or doing exercises that put pressure on this area of ​​your body. It is ideal to maintain good posture and straighten your legs symmetrically.

Exercise with exercises that have little effect on your body

Sitting or lying down all day can make the situation worse. Therefore, do some physical activity. These should be exercises that have little effect on your body and that make you feel comfortable. Swimming, for example, is ideal. Your body weight will decrease while you are in the water.

This way, you can do activities that will help you strengthen your pelvic and abdominal regions. Stretching can also help you sleep better and recover faster after giving birth.

Proper footwear and special corsets to prevent symphysis loosening during pregnancy

Ask your doctor about a special brace to help relieve pressure on your pelvic bones. These ensure an improved balance and alleviate the pain caused by the symphysis loosening.

Also avoid wearing (high) heeled shoes, standing on your feet for long periods of time or crossing them, or lifting heavy objects.

Treatment of symphysis loosening during pregnancy without medication

Doctors should only recommend medication as a last resort. Try treating the affected area with heat or an ice pack. This will help you determine what type of temperature will best relieve your pain.

A warm bath can also help you relax and prepare you to fall asleep. In the worst case scenario, however, you can try physical therapy and local massages.

In summary, it can be said that hormonal changes and pressure from the uterus can cause unpleasant symptoms related to the pubic symphysis.

Symphysis loosening is a common condition in the last trimester of pregnancy that you can alleviate by following expert advice. Of course, if you experience persistent pain and symptoms, be sure to contact your doctor.

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