What A Child Eats Is Also Determined By Personality!

It has been shown that personality affects what a child eats. We’ll look at exactly how this happens in this article.
What a child eats is also determined by personality!

Personality influences what a child eats. Studies have shown that. We’ll look at exactly how that happens in this article.

We often see children at the table who are picky and fussy about their food. Dinner can be a struggle. Parents would like to have a say in what a child eats .

You surely know that. Your child stubbornly refuses to try certain foods. Or they have a favorite dish they want to eat every day. It is not just a matter of habit or taste, because what a child eats or not is also related to personality.

Every child has individual personal characteristics.  His character is something that sets him apart from other children. There are times when it is normal for children to reject certain foods or to react in a certain way when they are offered something.

However, these behaviors cannot only be explained by the fact that it is a child. They can also be due to personality.

It is good if you are clear about this. This will help you make better decisions and better deal with these situations.

what a child eats

What a child eats and what the personality has to do with it

Children  gradually come into contact with new foods. At the beginning of their lives it is first of all the milk. This is how they grow. Then gradually new dishes come to the table. It is important to show children the variety of tastes. They should also learn something about behavior when eating and at the table.

The relationship a child has with eating is what we call eating behavior.

This eating behavior is caused by various factors. On the one hand, children observe their families and their behavior. Then how, when and where food is available also plays a role. Social status, parental affection and cultural traditions also have an influence.

Thus, a child’s eating behavior is the result of various influencing factors.

The personality types of children:

Let’s look at different personality types and character traits:

  • There is the child who adapts well to various situations. This child is happy, has stable habits, and is reasonably predictable. It’s easy for this guy to get in touch with others. In addition, his level of alertness is good.
  • Then there is the child who is very active and easily distracted.  It withdraws when the environment or the situation changes. Often it is also bony. Regular habits are more difficult for this type of child. And when it comes to eating or sleeping, outbursts of anger are often the order of the day. These children are commonly referred to as “difficult”.
  • Last but not least, we have the child who is inactive and at the same time also has difficulty getting used to changes. This child is sociable but needs constant parental acceptance.

What influence does personality have on eating behavior?

There are studies that show that both personality and emotional state influence what a child eats.

For example, anger makes a child more picky about food. This is an emotion that often occurs in difficult children.
Sadness or fear can cause loss of appetite. Happy and calm children, on the other hand, whom we often refer to as “simple” are more open to a variety of foods.

what a child eats

Loss of appetite is due to certain experiences in children. This includes experiences in society and of course within the family.

When children have problems, this is reflected in their eating behavior. This can be a difficult relationship with the parents or with other people around them.

While this has to do with their emotions, a child’s sensitivity can be traced back to personality. That means that one leads to the other.

Refusal to eat is more common with overprotective parents and the dominant personality of the child. Many parents are sure to have experience with the latter.

Children who refuse to eat can be determined by the characteristics of their personality: 

  • There are children who don’t even want to try certain things. The reason for this can be the color or texture of the food. Here we speak of sensory children.
  • Children who display perfectionist traits need extra attention. In these cases, for example, food should not be mixed on the plate.

And how do we use this information now?

There is something good about the relationship between personality and eating behavior. You can use it to influence your child’s behavior.

Personality has an impact on your child’s eating behavior. Of course, age also plays a role. It determines whether a child’s eating behavior becomes more or less extreme.

The solution to problematic behavior lies in the interaction of a child’s personality and eating behavior.

One possibility would be to try a different approach to parenting than parents. Or also to be aware of the eating habits of the whole family. In any case, one thing is important: patience.

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