We Are Not Only Parents But Also A Couple

The arrival of the baby changes our life as a couple.
We are not only parents but also a couple

You and I now have the best gift in the world: our baby. However, we are not only parents but also a couple, we are two in one, we follow each other with our eyes. The three of us are accomplices and our closeness grows with every touch. We realize that a new big stage is beginning, one that is intense and different.

When it comes to the couple’s relationship with their children, books, guides, and articles often tell us how to agree on a line in raising the child, or how to deal with the empty nest when ours Children leave their home.

Well … what happens to the couple as such? What happens to this intimate and private sphere when the first baby is born and we are no longer the same as we were before? Like it or not, there is a little inner revolution taking place in both the father and mother in which new roles emerge, new responsibilities that in some way affect a couple’s relationship.

Today we would like to talk to you about it in “I am mother”.

Now there are three of us: When the couple grows

Parenthood also allows us to grow closer together as a couple.

Some people speak of a minor crisis, new roles, and even conflicting emotions. Until recently it was said that the father usually feels repressed and that this intimate dependence of the baby on his mother disregards the figure of the father.

But today the father is much more active and present, which leads to a different view of the whole private atmosphere of the couple in relation to their child, much richer and more positive for everyone.

We are tired, but our enthusiasm and affection accompany us.

The time of spontaneity is over: today we don’t cook, we go out, let’s go away this weekend, today we stay at home alone … Everything changes, because the arrival of a child is a great positive change.

So the most complex moment is when you come out of the hospital. Tasks have to be redistributed, who changes diapers, who comforts, the working hours have to adapt and we laugh at each other’s tired faces and dark circles.

Everything is new and everything is intense. And the new phases are always lived with intensity; they are a challenge that in turn enables us to get to know each other better. These are moments when we love each other a lot more.

Dad and mom are grateful to be alone for a few weeks.

The couple will be f☺2 for the first few weeks after giving birth

After the baby is born, the new parents will no doubt spend a short period of time in privacy and solitude. Only later can the rest of the family and friends get to know the new member and soon the house will be filled with laughter, hustle and bustle and a large company.

First and foremost, the parents want to build a nest now. As long as parental leave allows, which is usually shorter for the father than for the mother.  This time is not only used to get to know the child, but to pamper them with kisses, caresses and attentions and to rediscover each other as a couple. You are parents now and are forming a family.

You and I are now in a new phase

In this new phase there will be many challenges and responsibilities in order to always be a good example to our children. However, there is one aspect that we should never neglect: the relationship with the couple, our bond, that magic that should continue to be nurtured through looks and small details.

Sometimes this demanding routine of parenting makes us neglect certain things. We forget to look each other in the eye, laugh together, say nice things to each other, appreciate each other, admire each other, and take care of each other as before.

After the birth, it's important to spend time together as a couple.

The baby needs all of our attention, but we should still occasionally make time for intimacy. Our family can help us to create this space to have dinner alone, to chat in peace, to go out …

Not to forget that the relationship grows day by day, and that it is at home and in our daily lives where love is nurtured, where we feed and feed each other with good times, laughter, complicity and caresses, and looks that do everything say without words …

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