Tricks To Boost Milk Production

If you want to have plenty of breast milk available from the first day of your baby’s life, just follow our advice below.
Tricks to Boost Milk Production

Many mothers believe that they are not producing enough milk for their baby. While breastfeeding, many women resort to home remedies to increase their milk production.

But these home remedies are often ineffective and the solution is actually simpler than some might think.

The first hours after your baby is born

The breast milk production starts your baby during the first few hours after birth.

When the first few hours after your baby is born, your child will fall into a deep sleep and rest for 6 to 12 hours. During this time, it will be difficult to breastfeed your child.

Nevertheless, with a lot of patience and sensitivity, it will be possible to feed your newborn.

The secret to increasing your milk production

Feed your baby day and night. This is the best recipe for your breast to produce an adequate supply of milk.

So your baby should be breastfed at least 8 to 10 times per 24 hours during the first week of their young life. That means feeding around the clock, both day and night.

Boost milk production

Now some tricks

  • Make sure your child has been placed correctly on the breast. Incorrect breastfeeding is associated not only with insufficient milk production, but also with other problems such as sore nipples or lack of breast milk. Finding the right position for your baby is the first thing you need to do to properly breastfeed. So what is the correct position? Your child’s neck should not be twisted and their mouth should be kept level with their nipples.
  • Put your baby on a nursing pillow. This will allow your baby to lie level with their nipples and bring their mouth to the breast correctly. Your child should put all of your nipple and most of the areola in their mouth. His lower lip should be facing outward and you shouldn’t hear any clicks while breastfeeding.
  • Give your baby time to finish sucking one breast before switching sides. This is the only way to ensure that the breast is emptied correctly. This is important to ensure good milk production. This also makes it clear that your little one can consume the particularly nutritious portion of milk.
    At the beginning of each breastfeeding, the milk your baby draws in is less concentrated, but it relieves the baby’s thirst. If your baby then continues to suckle on the same breast, it will be able to reach your breast’s after-milk. This milk has a higher fat content and more vitamins to provide nutrients to your baby.
  • Allow your baby to be breastfed whenever they want. Forget your watch and stick to your child. Every child has its own rhythm. Some babies get hungry every two hours, while others want to be fed at less regular intervals. Also, keep in mind that some babies can empty a breast in 5 to 10 minutes, while others take a lot more time to do so.
  • Baby formula, glucose mixture, etc … yes or no? If breastfeeding is done correctly from the start, your breasts will produce enough milk to provide your baby with all the nutrients he needs. Any additional source will then no longer be necessary unless it has been prescribed by a doctor. Sometimes formula and glucose mixtures even lead to the opposite of the desired effect. Your child drinks less and less breast milk and your body sees this as a signal to produce less milk.
  • Avoid using a pacifier. You should avoid pacifiers for the first 10 days of your baby’s life and until breastfeeding is properly established. This will avoid confusion for the baby. Because the way your baby sucks on a pacifier is different from a nipple. If you give your baby a pacifier too soon, it will try to suck your nipple like a pacifier and this technique will fail.
  • There are many benefits to breastfeeding. Sucking is one of the best ways to calm your baby down. Therefore, it is important to remember that your baby does not have to be hungry every time he wants to be breastfed. A few minutes of skin contact may be enough to make them feel calm and secure.

Milk production

  • Rest and eat well.
    Try to maintain a balanced diet of 2500 calories a day (depending on your physique). Also, relax as much as you can to recharge your energy balance. During the first few weeks of a new baby’s life, it’s normal for mothers (and fathers) to stay awake for much of the nights. It is therefore important that you take advantage of your baby’s bedtime during the day and get as much sleep as possible.
  • Request a massage.
    Getting massaged is relaxing, and it’s also a great way to get your breast milk to flow. Ask your partner to massage your back: repeat circular movements around the spine from bottom to top. You can remain seated during the massage.

You should make sure to ask your family, pediatrician, or friends for help when you need it. They should support you in difficult times if you have worries and problems with breastfeeding or your milk production.

Inquire about lactation counselors and support groups you can join if you want. Let others help and accompany you, and you will see that everything will be easier for you.

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