Toys With A Learning Effect For 2 Year Old Children

In this article we have put together a list of toys with a learning effect for you. It is suitable for children around 2 years of age. This allows your little one to discover new things and get to know their surroundings better.
Educational toys for 2 year old children

Playful activities allow children to communicate, have fun and develop their skills in the process. Therefore, it is good  to choose toys with a learning effect and make them available to your child.

There are tons of toys to choose from, but not all of them are suitable for young children.

Toys should always have a use. Of course, children should have fun and enjoy playing, but it is also about training their motor, cognitive and social skills.

After 2 or 3 years, gambling takes on a symbolic form. The child perceives his surroundings and takes pleasure in imitating them in play. Children are interested in objects because they stand for something, not because something can be done with them. 

-Doctor Eva Hernandez-

The best educational toy for children aged 2 years and over

1. Art material

Paint and markers are great things to bring children into contact with paint. You can also use these materials to teach your child the cause and effect relationship.

And of course your child can also develop their creativity.

Toys with a learning effect

2. Puzzle

At the age of 2 children can start puzzling. They get to know and differentiate between the individual parts and the big picture as a whole. 

In addition, puzzles are a good activity for training attention and concentration. At the beginning you can start with small puzzles that contain between 5 and 25 pieces. Gradually you can then increase the scope.

3. Dresses, accessories and costumes

Dressing up is a great way to let your children’s imaginations run wild. If children can play in a safe environment, a role-playing game, then help us as parents  that too,  to better understand how they see the world. 

For example, don’t give away the costumes for Halloween. Keep them so your kids can play with them regardless of Halloween.

4. Interactive books

There are now books that can make sounds from the real world. Others contain pop-up images with different interfaces and interactive elements.

A book can also be a kind of toy with a learning effect. One more reason why books are always a great way to play and learn. 

From an early age you can show your children that books offer a whole universe that needs to be discovered.

5. Stack the building blocks

By the age of 2, your baby is in a process of developing motor skills. That is why handling building blocks, stacking and sorting is now ideal. Gradually, your child will use the blocks you give them in different ways.

At this point we would like to point out that the building blocks should initially be nice and large. Especially when your child is very young. On the one hand, this prevents them from eating the parts or running the risk of swallowing something. On the other hand, it is easier with larger blocks, especially when your child is still young and their motor skills are not yet developed that far.

6. Toys that represent daily life

A tool case, a kitchen set, an ice cream machine with Play-Doh … with the help of such objects, children learn how to deal with their environment.

They are also used to build relationships, for example with playmates. There is a lot of communication and a lot of interaction, which means that motor skills are also promoted here.

7. Toys for sorting

There are many subjects that cover and impart several areas of basic knowledge. This includes, for example, buckets that are used to sort animals, letters, numbers, fruits or colors. 

These toys train fine motor skills. But they are also a great way for your child to expand their vocabulary.

Toys with a learning effect

8. A tricycle

Children of this age should also train their coordination and sense of balance. 

A tricycle is ideal for this. The child moves and has to use coordination skills.

You can all go on a bike tour together. This is a great activity to give your coexistence a little variety, to be in the fresh air and to move around.

Joint ventures strengthen every family.

9. Motor skills loops

This game is about guiding small objects through a rod with different tracks. These can be cubes, spheres or other shapes.

It’s a game that aims at math. Both halves of the brain have to work together. The children’s spatial perception is also challenged and encouraged. 

It is your job to encourage your child to play right from the start. 

Toys with a learning effect have the great advantage that your child can keep themselves busy, have fun and, last but not least, learn something.

You too can take your time and sit down with your child and play together.

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