To The Little Superheroes Who Fight Cancer

While these superheroes are small, they have big hearts and are full of courage and hope.
To the little superheroes fighting cancer

There are little superheroes whose cloak is their resilience. They show their strength every day and fight cancer. Today we speak of courageous, strong children who, together with their families, are trying to conquer this terrible disease.

While these superheroes are  small, they have big hearts and are full of courage and hope. February 15th is International Children’s Cancer Day, so we dedicate this article to the little heroes. 

Superheroes with a brave look

Our brave superheroes fight daily with family and friends against their illness. Quite unexpectedly and without warning, it spread,  but strength and courage are the protective shield of the little ones.

They are innocent, unruly, impatient, calm, playful and also naughty children … our superheroes are like all other children. They are unique, but they all have one goal in common: defeat cancer!  

Golden ribbon shapes cancer symbol - symbol of the superheroes' fight against cancer

The little super helpers fight wind and weather every day with a smile. The color of hope is reflected in their eyes, they are brave and strong, but nevertheless they are sometimes afraid.

Then family and friends paint the gray sky in colors to take away their fear and give them courage. But sometimes the gray cannot be painted over, the children have to learn to live with it.

But at some point the golden stars in the sky will become visible again and give the children the strength to keep fighting.

Fighting children with a protective coat

The smiles of the little superheroes sometimes make us forget that this is a long, difficult fight. But a protective coat gives children courage to overcome difficulties. 

A cloak of love, sewn from hugs, and unconditional support helps the little ones to draw strength and to offer resistance. Family, friends and professionals do their best!

The hands of father and child form a heart, they are superheroes in the fight against cancer

These little superheroes are our main characters today. A kiss, encouraging word, smile, hug, success in treatment, and funding for cancer research can make these children’s lives easier.

Our mission: to accompany you, to love and to give you strength to remind you that in many situations you are stronger than you believe.

It is not easy to be a superhero, it takes a lot of strength, courage, flexibility and resilience!

We are one

This year, many children around the world wanted to raise their voices to support all superheroes in their fight against childhood cancer.

The Childhood Cancer International (CCI) initiative made it possible to work with the composer of Frozen, Christophe Beck. He composed the song “ We are one ” (“ We are one ”).

In the chorus it says:

The song “We are one” is a symbol of support to give the children new strength. A nice gesture to let them know that they are not alone.

They see new opportunities and have more power in their daily battle against cancer.

For you, for all the little superheroes who get up every day and fight and have a smile as a protective shield, even when a gray cloud hovers over everyday life. 

For you, little superheroes, for you teach us all important lessons and make us realize the value of life. For you, our words are full of love, support and strength. 

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