Tips For Mothers Of Mothers!

If you also need help to organize your everyday life, then we have advice for you! Our tips for mothers are from mothers and have therefore already been tried and tested. Try them out right now!
Tips for mothers of mothers!

The mother’s job is time-consuming and involves loads of small details that all need to be taken into account. This is precisely why tips for mothers of mothers can be valuable to you.

Each piece of advice will help you organize your time better and make your everyday life a little easier.

There are two ways to do something: the practical way or the cumbersome way. 

We want to focus on the practical ways because it is they that help you do your daily to-dos. Maybe you will write down a few right away and try to implement them. The aim should be to simplify your family life.

Tips for mothers of mothers that will make your life easier

At the beginning of each week, put together five outfits for your children. You can put these together and store them in different compartments of the cabinet.  This saves you having to choose your clothes every day, because you only do it once a week and not every day. And we know that mornings are often stressful anyway, right? The key to making a lot of things easier is preparation!

Things like egg boxes or toilet paper rolls are easy to keep. After all, you never know what your child is doing at school and when they might need such things. With a little color and creativity, such leftovers can also become good order keepers. Egg cartons are suitable, for example, as jewelry storage for rings.

Involve your partner and children in household chores. A good trick to motivate the kids is to design the task like a competition or a race.

After all, kids love competitions and that’s how they learn about discipline at home.

“Tasks like organizing children’s clothes or preparing meals can become easy-to-do items on the agenda.

Put waterproof inserts under the duvet cover to prevent minor accidents from becoming a disaster.

If the mattress is protected before your child goes to bed, then you can keep it in perfect condition. The only thing you have to do is change the wet sheets.

Be a role model when it comes to values ​​and good behavior. Always remember that children learn by watching your behavior. And they see more than you think.

If you yourself say “Please”, “Thank you”, and “Good morning”, then they too will adapt these simple but very important sentences.

Tips for mothers of mothers

Tips for mothers of mothers – for you!

You can get various containers that you label for all of their toys and school supplies. This simple trick will make organizing things easier. And it is a step towards the ideal, beautifully tidy living space in which you all feel comfortable.

You can keep music playing when tidying up, cleaning and grooming yourself. Even if that sounds ridiculous at first. If your children have fun and a rhythm with such activities, they will get used to them more easily.

You can also play music that you like. So you keep the little ones in line and give the whole thing an entertainment factor for yourself.

More tips:

Use a timer to keep track of time spent on daily tasks. You can also use this when it comes to playing time. The same applies to bathing or doing homework.

You will quickly find that a timer helps you get the most out of every activity. Sometimes we are not even aware of how much or how little time we spend on something.

Find moments of calm. The work of motherhood seems endless and you will break down if you don’t take regular breaks.

If you want to fully enjoy motherhood, make sure you have free time to yourself. It should enable you to do what you feel like doing. You can relax or pursue your hobbies. Whatever is good for you!

Tips for mothers of mothers

Audiobooks are wonderfully suitable for family outings. You can also listen to them on the way to school. On longer trips, for example on vacation, a good and funny story will distract your children and make them happy.

Put together a collection of scissors, glue, colored paper, wool, cloth, stickers, paints, brushes, markers, and pencils. Also give your children the opportunity to be creative and let off steam over and over again. This will keep them busy for a while.

These tips for mothers of mothers are designed to help you make everyday things more practical so that it is a little easier for you.

Just give it a try!

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