These Are Typical Fears Of 6 Year Olds!

It is normal to be afraid. This applies to adults but especially to children, because they are still getting to know the world and thus also its threats. In this article, we’ll look at common 6-year-old fears and how best to deal with them.
These are typical fears of 6 year olds!

As soon as a child comes into contact with its environment, it acquires new knowledge. This knowledge is acquired through stories, television, or maybe video games. In doing so, a child experiences new sensations. Fears of 6-year-olds are therefore very typical, because a lot of new things are discovered at this age. This happens not least through entering school and a new environment.

When children are younger than 5 years, they spend most of their time at home with their parents. At the age of 6, they come into significantly more contact with the outside world. They experience many things outside of their home. They make contact with friends at school, they play in the neighborhood and their tastes also change at this age.

Perhaps they suddenly enjoy watching scary series or capturing thieves in a computer game. In real life, however, they don’t want to face fear. 

Typical fears of 6-year-olds and what triggers them

When they are very young, children’s fears are often related to their parents’ mistakes. But the little ones are also afraid of animals, monsters or physical phenomena such as lightning. At the age of 6 there are significantly more things. 

Here is a list of the typical fears experienced by 6-year-olds:


As already said, the child is now at an age at which they like to go out. It can come across a dog or other animal that hurts it or causes another negative experience. 

This is the most common cause of fear of animals. However, the fear can also be triggered by a lack of knowledge. For example, a child may be afraid of cats, but only until they pet one. After this experience was positive, the child knows that the cat is actually friendly and does not have to be afraid of it.

We can also include insects in this category. Sure, the spiders are at the forefront. Also included are cockroaches and worms. 

The darkness

By the age of 6, children are often encouraged to sleep in their own room. The extinction of the light is therefore associated with the appearance of evil beings who want to take advantage of the child’s loneliness.

This is a very natural fear that still occurs in adults. So you have to be very patient here. If your child asks you to leave the lights on until they are no longer afraid, then you should do so.

Fears of 6 year olds

Evil people

Many children fear thieves, kidnappers, or some other kind of bad person.

Healthy caution is right and protective, but excessive fear can be a hindrance. For example, it can lead to distrust of others, even if the situation does not justify it.

However, it is important that you make one thing very clear to your child: under no circumstances should he or she come into contact with strangers. This is a clear rule that ensures safety and thus also helps against fear.


Every child in this world is afraid of monsters. Almost every. At the age of 6, the imagination and also the imagination of a child work at full speed. In this way, children think up beings and situations that are actually unthinkable but also frightening.

This is completely normal, so you don’t have to worry about it. Just help your child stay calm. So it will gradually overcome the fear. 


Fears of 6 years old almost always include fear of the water. The main reason is that people live on land, not in water.

As a result, children who are not aware of the dangers feel a diffuse fear when they wade in the sea or even go to a swimming pool. They may even think they might drown in the bathtub.

To counteract this, it is best to bring your child into contact with water from an early age. So they will learn that you make sure that they are safe in the water and can have fun in the water as well. 

Fears of 6 year olds

Fears of 6 year olds and how to help them

Above all, parents should show understanding. You should listen to your child and take their fears seriously. A child should feel understood and accompanied at all times when they feel fear.

What can also help is to give your child an element that is powerful against beings that scare them. This can be, for example, a magic wand against monsters or a cuddly toy that serves as a defense against evil beings.

We parents also have to set a good example. If necessary, we should show our children how to face their fears. 

What to Avoid:

Some of the things we shouldn’t do if we’re trying to alleviate 6-year-old fears include:

  • The fears of 6-year-olds should not be underestimated. Nor should one tell children that they “have to be brave” or that “there is no reason to be afraid”.
  • Likewise, you shouldn’t be overly indulgent if your child is scared. Otherwise, they run the risk of using fear to their advantage.
  • Telling horror stories to keep your child from doing something, like not going to the playground at night, shouldn’t be considered either.
  • I’m sure you have fears of your own. Therefore, you should be careful not to pass these on to your child. It happens very often. Parents who are afraid when their child is playing say, for example, “Go out there, otherwise the Butzemann will get you”. Better to just say, “Be careful not to hurt yourself.”

When a child faces these fears it is normal for them to cry and try to avoid these situations. However, if you feel that the fears are excessive, it is advisable to see a child psychologist. It could also be a phobia.

Lastly, remember that we are all scared of something. Therefore, be understanding and try to put yourself in your child’s shoes. This is the best way to help him.

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