The “too Much Toy Syndrome”

too many toys christmas child

Have you noticed that your children are no longer as happy about receiving gifts as they used to be? Do you have too many toys and are bored with them? Do you think today’s kids are losing their imaginations?

If you answered “yes” to at least one of these questions, it can be assumed that the reality of today’s children has a lot to do with the abundance of gifts and things they receive.

This is particularly relevant during the Christmas season and it is important for us to pay special attention to this topic. In this article we will give you tips on how to deal with the ” too much toy syndrome “.

too much toy kid gifts

What is the Too Much Toy Syndrome?

Mama orders a porcelain doll, the grandparents a children’s kitchenette, the other grandparents a racing car. And let’s not forget about the uncle who wants to buy roller skates for the child and the aunt who buys plasticine for her nephew.

In our example, we already have five non-negotiable gifts that our child will receive in the core family, without counting friends and other obligated persons.

This leads to a lack of focus and imagination in our children. It can also lead to frustration. These children have no way of appreciating the effort it takes to get a task done because they always get what they want anyway.

Even worse, this problem has spread because we live in a consumer society. Children are already starting to expect expensive toys and gifts every day.

Sometimes we give too many gifts to our children to compensate for the lack of attention on our part, and we believe gifts will make them happier. On the contrary, this behavior can be very detrimental to the child’s development.

too many toys christmas child

What can we do on Christmas, birthdays, and other holidays?

While this problem is present throughout the year, it is exacerbated during certain times, such as the festive season.

If we give our children an unreasonable amount of gifts, it does not translate into affection. Affection, unlike gifts, should be shown to them every day through small gifts and gestures.

See also: The art of tenderness

We should stick to the four-gift rule as often as possible. This is the number of gifts that experts recommend. In order to implement this rule effectively, we have to adhere to a few criteria.

  • One of the gifts should be something that the child needs.
  • Another should be something it wants (this is where we can put toys or your commercial desires).
  • A portable gift, i.e. an item of clothing or an accessory.
  • Something that will help them support their reading habit

It will not be easy to reduce the number of gifts your child should receive at one time. It is important to us to explain to our family members and loved ones that the child should appreciate what they already have and that they should learn to enjoy things naturally.

too many toys mother child

When we say “naturally” we are referring to anything we mean by “having fun as a child”. Children can be the perfect definition of entertainment and happiness.

We should take special care to preserve their innocence and the ability to have fun that is so characteristic of childhood. A child should be able to play without toys, we shouldn’t take this ability away from him.

Accompanying this article, we would like to recommend that you watch the following video of a Christmas campaign, it shows what children really need: Our company, affection and time.

They just need our time to feel the true love that will help them become truly healthy and happy.

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