The Second Pregnancy: What Are The Differences?

The second pregnancy is more relaxed.
The second pregnancy: what are the differences?

If you are already a mother and are expecting another baby, there are certain details to consider, as the second pregnancy is usually different from the first. Here you can find out all about the differences.

Not all babies have the same needs. Therefore, it is normal for different situations to arise in each pregnancy and birth. It is important that you, as a mother, be aware of this. Roughly, however, you can generally record a few differences between the first and the second pregnancy.

The second pregnancy  and its course will certainly concern you a lot. But don’t worry, as your pregnancy progresses, you’ll find out all by yourself what the differences are.

9 differences between first and second pregnancy

The differences tend to be quite noticeable. Just think about the symptoms and ailments that you experienced with your first child. You will notice how different your second pregnancy is. These differences include:

More exhaustion

By the time you become pregnant for the second time, you will feel more tired. This leads to neglecting things that may not have caused you problems when you first became pregnant; for example, your physical appearance or doing some exercise.

Weight gain

The second pregnancy is usually associated with not as much weight gain as the first child. While it may seem incredible, it won’t affect your baby’s weight at all. On the contrary, it is normal for your second child to weigh more at birth than the first.

Second Pregnancy Differences

Less stress

You will wait more relaxed for your second child because you already know the process of pregnancy and childbirth. You also already know everything about baby care and breastfeeding.

Physical change

The belly usually grows earlier in the second pregnancy because the skin and muscles have already gone through this process. The baby bump becomes much more visible.


The second pregnancy is usually accompanied by more pregnancy symptoms than with the first child. You may have more back pain and varicose veins may appear. These problems arise because ligaments, joints, and blood vessels have already been stretched.

Easier birth

Childbirth is usually easier because the dilation is faster. The inner structures are also more relaxed and you already have more flexibility.


Your experience will make it easier to adapt to your baby’s needs. Your breasts are also more ready.

Less postpartum depression

Already being a mother has enriched your wealth of experience and will help you to feel more secure. Because of this, it is easier to overcome this hormonal process that occurs after childbirth and can lead to postpartum depression.

The second pregnancy is different

More painful recovery

The uterus takes much longer to return to its original size. This can be very painful 3 or 4 days after giving birth.

Care must be taken during the 2nd pregnancy

Just because you already have experience doesn’t mean you don’t have to take care of yourself during the second pregnancy. On the contrary, the care must be the same as with your first child.

  • Go to checkups:  They are very important because they allow you to see your baby’s development. The doctor will also tell you what things to avoid or what to do.
  • Healthy Eating : You need to have good eating habits. Eat foods that provide you with nutrients and vitamins, such as folic acid.
  • Exercise: There are a variety of activities that can help you be more active and avoid fatigue, such as yoga, Pilates, hiking, and swimming.
  • Drink a lot: Drink 2 liters of water a day. Dehydration can be a problem, so always carry a bottle of water with you.
  • Avoid vices: They harm your baby’s development. Some of these can be drugs, tobacco, or alcohol.
  • Avoid raw foods: If you eat them, you run the risk of ingesting bacteria that can harm the baby.
  • Pelvic floor training : Is crucial for an easy and quick birth.

Although you already have experience, do not take the second pregnancy too lightly and remember that every birth is different and that every baby has different needs. You will also learn a lot with this second birth.

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