The Perfect Babyshower: Tips For Planning

Celebrating the arrival of the newborn is a wonderful idea. However, a lot has to be planned for the perfect babyshower.
The perfect babyshower: tips for planning

In other words, preparing for the perfect babyshower with entertainment, food and guest lists will take up a lot of your free time.

The babyshower is a very special and exciting moment during pregnancy.

Welcoming the baby can thus become an unforgettable experience for parents and guests.

In this article you can read how to organize the  perfect babyshower .

Who organizes the perfect babyshower?

Baby showers are for the purpose of celebrating the arrival of the new family member, so they are usually organized by someone who is not part of the baby’s immediate family.

Experience shows that the perfect babyshower is planned by the grandmothers, sisters, aunts or cousins ​​of the future mother.

Nevertheless, the mother-to-be can organize the celebration herself. No matter who the host is – the baby shower is and will remain a joyful event.

Tips for organizing the babyshower

It’s best to make a list and cross out the things you’ve already taken care of. In the following, you can read about a few points that you should consider when organizing the baby shower:

1. Set a budget

The budget depends on the number of guests. It is used to cover the cost of food, drinks, and games. By the way, you can have a great and fun baby shower without spending a lot of money.

2. Determine the location

The babyshower can take place privately or in a public place. It can be celebrated at home or with friends at the parents-to-be. Remember to reserve the location of the celebration in good time if it is to be a public location.

3. Create a guest list

The future parents should be included in the creation of the guest list. You can decide whether men also take part in the celebration or whether only women are invited.

It is best to agree a good date for the party with the guests.

The perfect babyshower is planned.

Make sure to send out the invitations a month in advance so that the guests have enough time to plan their visit well.

4. Create an online wish list

The future parents should be involved in creating the wish list. As soon as you know who will definitely be attending the celebration, you can send these people the online wish list. This gives the baby practical gifts and there is no risk of something being given twice.

5. Select photographer

You can either hire a photographer or ask one of the guests who would like to do the job. The photographer captures the best moments of the party. 

During the babyshower

During the babyshower you have to keep an eye on the process and make sure that all guests feel comfortable.


Most baby showers are dedicated to a specific theme. The theme could be a particular color or style.

Lately there have been more and more bold and unusual ideas that make for original celebrations.


Are there any children at the party? Make sure that the little ones are entertained beforehand. 

You could organize a babysitter. This way, all guests will be able to relax. Think about in which corner or in which room the children can puzzles, paint and play.

Also schedule traditional babyshower games for the adults . For example, guests could guess the ingredients of baby food.

But dance competitions or other fun games are also allowed. Make sure to get prizes for the games.


If you want to dance, put together a playlist in advance. Nice background music also creates a good mood.

Room distribution

Everyone should feel comfortable during your babyshower. Make sure to provide a space for toddlers and babies to sleep in.

If the party is outside, consider arranging a tent for the kids to rest. Don’t forget to think of a cool place to store food and drinks as well.

The perfect babyshower takes place.

food and drinks

Depending on your financial situation, you can prepare the food yourself. But food can of course also be ordered – that saves time.

Another option is to ask guests to bring a dish to the baby shower.

When it comes to beverages, you should provide choices to suit all tastes. With alcoholic beverages, make sure that they are consumed in moderation.

After the babyshower

After the babyshower, the future mother can open the presents in the presence of all the guests. While the mother is opening the presents, someone else should help her and put the opened presents aside.

Sending thank you notes for the gifts is a great idea. If a photo is enclosed as a souvenir of the party, it will surely put a smile on the faces of the patronizing guests.

To organize the perfect babyshower , you just need to be well prepared and organized. And with a little help and cooperation from the guests, your babyshower is sure to be a hit!

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