The Modern Grandmothers 2.0 – Grandmother, Tell Me Again What You Felt When You Saw Me For The First Time

When a grandmother sees her grandchild for the first time – whether it is one of the modern grandmothers or not – they thrive as a person, grow as a person, and their emotions intensify in indescribable ways.
The Modern Grandmothers 2.0 - Grandmother, tell me again what you felt when you first saw me

It also doesn’t matter whether the baby is the first or eighth grandchild of these modern grandmothers. They are all like pieces of jewelry on a beautiful necklace, like treasures of a new generation to be pampered. 

Today we would like to pay tribute to these special women on “ I am mother ”. Let’s talk about these women. And about these modern grandmothers 2.0, who are already known as the new generation of “superwomen”. Many of them are far from the classic image of grandmothers baking cookies and picking up their grandchildren from school. They are something new, more modern, more interesting …

New terms are emerging to denote new and fantastic realities. The “ Glam-Mas ” (glamorous grandmothers) were part of an idea that arose in the United States as a result of an interesting article in the “ New York Times ”. This article explains that this percentage of the population has changed a lot in recent years.

Here we give you all the details.

The modern grandmothers - drawing grandchildren hugging grandma

When their first grandchild suddenly arrives, many people have only just entered the autumn of their lives. Am i as old as they say Does the mere fact that my children have offspring mean that I am already “an old woman”? Not at all .

The Modern Grandmothers 2.0 – Enthusiasm … and a little concern

When a woman who is 55 or 65 years old sees this fragile, tiny, and precious creature that is part of her legacy and that makes her a grandmother, the first thing she feels is fulfillment.

  • First of all, she will be grateful because everything went well. The mother and child are healthy and the whole birth process went well. In addition, a wise grandmother is very aware that the most important thing is to maintain the privacy of the parents after the birth of a child. She understands that it’s best to stay in the background. But always to be attentive and approachable in case the new parents need your help.
  • On the other hand, beyond this satisfaction and this experienced joy, the woman who becomes a grandmother begins to renew herself inwardly. It is therefore normal for her to worry too.
  • She knows that from now on she has to take on a certain role. The modern Gro ß mothers 2.0 today have a very active social life. Many of them are still working. And most of them sometimes have multiple roles: They are partners, mothers, friends and an active part of society …
  • It is normal for them to sometimes wonder how to narrow down their time and responsibilities. They know and understand that their role is not to “raise” or “educate”. That task is done and it is now up to the parents. Today grandmothers only want one thing: to be the emotional, constant and friendly support in the life of the newborn.

    The modern grandmothers - drawing grandma with granddaughter

    Since I first saw you, I only want one thing: to be part of your heart

    We are told some very interesting things in an interesting article on Psychology Today called “ Learning to Be a Grandmother ”. For example, that the mother-daughter relationship is improved. Suddenly she becomes a “girlfriend-mentor” relationship, which is very beneficial for both parties.

    “Sometimes perfect love only comes with the grandchild”

    -Chinese proverb-

    The second is that we need to socially reinterpret the role of grandfathers and grandmothers. In many families and in the current times of crisis, they often act as financial and emotional support. Therefore , they need greater institutional recognition.

    Learning to be a grandmother means first of all having extraordinary potential for self-realization and personal growth. Because of this , we need a society that is more attentive and sensitive to our older generations, who are incredibly active and important to our society.

    The modern grandmothers - drawing grandson kisses grandma

    On the other hand, every grandmother’s great desire is to win the hearts of her grandchildren. They want to be a very special part of them forever and share as much time with them as possible. But she also knows and understands that her life expectancy is shorter than that of her grandchildren.

    So one of her tasks is nothing but upbringing, which is based on emotions, recognition and the strong bond she has with the child who will be an adult tomorrow. The grandmother becomes a role model. She is a person who inspires, gives good advice, grows grandchildren without punishment, and maintains illusions. She is the daily hug, the hand that caresses, the secret gift and the smile of complicity.

    The modern grandmothers 2.0 no longer represent the classic “ grandmother ”. They are Loving too, but with the maturity, independence and character of the new millennium. And that … is incredibly positive for our little ones.

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