The Magic Of A Special Birth In An Intact Amniotic Sac

In today’s article you will learn interesting facts about children with a lucky hat. Read on to learn more about it. 
The magic of a special birth in an intact amniotic sac

A baby born with an  intact amniotic sac  is said to be a very lucky child. It is a very special, very rare birth, which is why the amniotic sac that covers the child completely, or at least the head, is also referred to as the cap of happiness.

Only one child out of 80,000 is born with this lucky bonnet. With more and more programmed deliveries about caesarean section, this event is seen even less often. 

That is why impressive photos of babies with a lucky hat are also often shared on social networks. You may also have seen photos or videos of children with  intact amniotic  sacs.

We are particularly surprised by the calmness of these babies in their protective coat. You seem to have no desire to escape it and perhaps wish to continue to enjoy this world of peace and security.

In today’s article you will learn interesting facts about children with a lucky hat. Read on to learn more about it. 

Babies born with the amniotic sac intact

When the amniotic sac ruptures, it is a clear sign that the baby is about to be born. The contractions become stronger and more regular, and the body prepares for delivery.

The bursting of the amniotic sac is not painful and is quite normal. But that is  not always the case. In some births, babies are born with an intact amniotic sac, even if this is a very rare occurrence and a very special event.

Experts assure us that children with a lucky hood have no particular advantages or disadvantages. It’s  just a curiosity that attracts attention. The child has the opportunity to enjoy the peaceful world in the amniotic sac a little longer.

Birth with an intact amniotic sac

Curiosities about the amniotic sac

The amniotic sac develops in the womb together with the small abdominal dweller. It is a solid membrane sack that consists of two layers, but has no muscles, nerves or blood vessels. Collagen and elastin are responsible for its resistance. 

  • The two layers of the amniotic sac are called the amnion and chorion. The chorion is the outer membrane, which is slightly thicker.
  • The amniotic fluid forms in the first two weeks after fertilization. After around 10 weeks, it contains an abundance of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and phospholipids, urea and electrolytes, which enable the child to develop. 
  • This liquid protects the developing baby from bumps and injuries at the same time. It also enables him to breathe and feed. The amniotic fluid has a constant temperature.
  • During the last few weeks of pregnancy, fetal blood cells form in the amniotic fluid and the baby develops lanugo hair, which protects its skin. In the last few days before the birth  , most of the amniotic fluid consists of the baby’s urine. 

Baby in the amniotic sac

The bursting of the amniotic sac and its consequences for the baby

  • The bursting of the amniotic sac is stressful for the baby. You shouldn’t forget that your lungs are filled with water and that breathing occurs through gas exchange through the placenta.
  • As soon as the amniotic sac bursts and during delivery, the water in the child’s lungs is expelled through the mouth so that the newborn can begin to breathe. This process is very complex for the baby.
  • During a natural delivery  , however, the birth canal presses on the child’s thorax, which helps them expel the fluid in the lungs, mucus, and amniotic fluid. This is not the case with a caesarean section.

Babies who are born with an intact amniotic sac  enjoy the peace and quiet in their den a little longer. It is not known why this occurs. But it is very rare and is therefore regarded as a special kind of luck in many cultures.

Then learn more about the traditions and superstitions that are nourished by giving birth with an intact amniotic sac.

Child with an intact amniotic sac

Lucky hood: superstitions and traditions

As already mentioned, it is an extraordinary event that neither harms nor benefits the child. But since time immemorial, birth with a lucky bonnet has been accompanied by special traditions and superstitions in different cultures. 

Many assume that these children experience special protection and therefore develop extraordinary skills.

  • Different cultures believe that happy hooded children can heal others. But this is only the case if their parents or the lucky children themselves keep the secret of the special birth. Because if this is given up, the special powers are lost.
  • Some also believe that children with intact amniotic sac receive special gifts in their lives and that happiness will accompany them on their way. It is their job to do good to others.

As you can see, a hooded birth is full of magic and mystery. It is actually a very special and rare way of seeing the light of day.

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