The Love Of Your Life Is Coming In 9 Months

9 months is a long time, but after that your life will change forever.
The love of your life is coming in 9 months

You’ve probably heard that the feelings you develop for your children are completely different from any other you’ve experienced. You have 9 months during pregnancy to prepare for the arrival of the love of your life.

This being will change your world forever and show you feelings that you could never imagine.

Once your baby is here, you will understand how unimportant all other things are. Every time you look your child in the eye, you will feel perfect happiness. 

His gaze offers you peace, purity and unconditional love. Your child is the  love of your life,  because between you there is a unique, unsurpassable relationship.

You gave him life. You gave it a place to grow before it had to go out into the world. Although your child cannot express it to you, he knows this. Therefore, it wants you to be around forever.

Giving the breast, having skin contact and hearing your voice, the same voice that has been heard in your stomach for so many months, will only strengthen this unique bond.

You may have doubts and fear along the way, but that’s perfectly normal.

In time, you will understand that the arrival of your little one is the most wonderful gift life could give you. It is the best sacrifice, the purest token of love that you can receive.

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Insecurity and fear

The first trimester of pregnancy can be traumatic for mothers. Many changes take place, hormonally and physically.

In addition, there is physical discomfort, nausea and fatigue. In addition, you ask yourself a lot of questions during this time and can feel uncertainty about future motherhood.

You don’t need to worry. You need to realize that this is a natural process that your body is prepared for. 

If it’s your first child and you think you can’t handle the responsibility, don’t be afraid. Like so many other mothers, you will master this challenge very well. Your maternal instincts will guide you.

Also remember that you are not the only one waiting for the love of your life. Many people around you are ready to support you with anything you need. 

Your friends, your partners, and of course your future grandparents are all part of this process and more than happy to help you in any way they can.

The mother’s brain changes with pregnancy

Scientists have found that a mother’s brain changes during pregnancy. This fact is irrevocable evidence of the mother-child bond. The only reason for this change is to protect the baby in all circumstances.

As a consequence of these hormonal changes, the mother is able to:

  • To have more empathy  for the child’s feelings in their wombs.
  • Better perceive threats.
  • Noticing unusual symptoms  that could pose a risk to the baby.

Of course there is an explanation for this as well. The reason is that the gray cells that are responsible for processing information are decreasing. This leads to the fact that the mother becomes more efficient in the above tasks.

The changed spiritual resources help you to concentrate on the most important thing:  on caring for the love of your life.

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Prepare for the love of your life

Motherhood often reveals a person’s strengths and weaknesses. To create a strong and indestructible bond with your child, love and affection are essential.

While it sounds a bit far-fetched, it is possible to achieve it with small gestures.

For example,  you should always remember that your frustrations, fears, and insecurities are carried through this tape. 

But also make sure to let your child be themselves and give them all the tools they need and the courage to pursue their dreams.

In the long run, seeing your child succeed will make your own dreams come true.

Other important aspects are love and affection. Don’t underestimate the importance of contact, care, hugs, and understanding. You have to be there for and support your baby now.

Children who grow up with the support of their parents are stronger and more emotionally stable. 

Stress caused by a lack of protection uses up the resources of the brain and attacks self-confidence and confidence. Please don’t do this to your child.

The love of your life is on the way. She is waiting for you just as you are waiting for her. Do not try to do everything perfectly because that is almost impossible.

Your baby will be more than satisfied when it is just allowed to feel your love and that of your partner and is in contact with you. And you will be too.

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