The FOMO Syndrome In Adolescents: The Fear Of Missing Out On Something

What is FOMO Syndrome? Find out what it’s all about and how you can help young people in this situation. 
FOMO syndrome in adolescents: the fear of missing out

The  FOMO syndrome refers to the fear of missing something. The name is derived from the English  word Fear Of Missing Out  . It can be affected at any age, but it is most common among teenagers and children.

It’s about the compulsive fear of being an outsider and not being able to participate in the activities of a group. As a result, those affected could miss an experience, an event or other social interactions.

Physical and social changes that adolescents experience express their insecurities more and more. Our current information society makes this process even more complex.

Popularity and acceptance are measured by  how many fans someone has on social networks. The pressure can trigger the  FOMO syndrome. 

What effects does FOMO syndrome have on adolescents?

Affected young people feel that they enjoy a low social status. As a result, they develop nervousness, stress and feelings of inferiority that are difficult to recognize or control.

Other effects of FOMO syndrome include:

  • The compulsive desire to communicate through social networks  and post photos and activities. At the same time, there is an exaggerated interest in watching the reactions of the posts. Affected people spend more time in social networks than in real life.
  • In severe cases,  extreme dissatisfaction can arise, which triggers physical and mental problems. Sudden mood swings, loneliness and low self-esteem are the result. All of this very often ends in depression that is very difficult to treat.

    Adolescents with FOMO syndrome

    • The perception of reality is distorted because those affected are constantly interacting in the digital world. Viewing a profile on a social network is like watching a movie trailer that only shows the scenes that attract the most attention. Those affected begin to idealize people and situations that arouse admiration in them.
    • Another dangerous aspect that this syndrome can lead to is loss of privacy. An adolescent’s obsessive desire to get more fans or “likes” and watch their contacts’ responses on social networks can be a risk. Those affected often forget all security measures in order to be more visible on the Internet.

      The change in self-perception, envy, prejudice against others, difficulty concentrating and the tendency to excel others can also be observed in this syndrome.

      FOMO Syndrome: What To Do?

      If your teenage son or daughter has this syndrome, you need to try to open them to other perspectives and perspectives.

      You need to help your child rethink their situation so that they can change negative thought patterns. Let a psychologist help him!

      The following measures are also useful:

      • Correct negative behavior patterns. A good way to do this is to keep a journal to record negative feelings and how often they occur. In this way, triggering situations that lead to nervousness and fear can be recognized. The aim is to correct the harmful behavior.

      Couple using cell phone

      • Control the use of electronic devices. Make sure that your child pursues other activities in their free time and nurtures their talents. This is fundamental to promoting relationships among teenagers in the real world. You can still be active on the Internet, but not exclusively. But young people also need real-world leisure activities that they enjoy.
      • You can practice mindfulness.  Because these exercises help you focus on the present moment. When a full state of consciousness can be reached, the brain focuses on each activity. There is no time for stress or nervousness.
      • Help your child to become aware of the separation between the real and the virtual world. Teens need to understand that photos and posts from celebrities do not reflect their real or perfect life. Like everyone else, they spend time in front of the television or with family.

      It is not easy to be a youth in this day and age because many think that every experience needs to be digitized and published.

      But it is important to accompany your child so that they can develop their character and improve their tolerance for frustration. 

      With the right foundation, you can help your child grow into a healthy adult and develop their social skills in the real world.

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