The First Month In A Mother’s Life

The first month of a mother’s life is often full of doubts and fears, although the emotions of finally holding the child in your arms are of course overwhelming. 
The first month in a mother's life

Expectant mothers have many opportunities to find out about everything that is important in the first few weeks of a child’s life. But there are still things that are rarely talked about. Because it’s not always sunshine and shine. The first month  in a mother’s life is sometimes very difficult!

The first month  in a mother’s life is often full of doubts and fears,  although the emotions of finally holding the child in your arms are of course overwhelming. 

But all the changes during pregnancy cannot be compared to the first few days after the baby is born. Now a new, completely different phase of life begins, which is not always easy. 

Some mothers feel more lonely than ever during this time. The body has changed, the hormonal balance has not yet returned to normal, and many women feel weak. 

You wonder whether this is normal, whether these feelings will last. I wonder if this is her life now. No one can comfort a mother with his answers in this situation. Only time can help to better understand and manage the situation.

The first month in a mother’s life is very difficult

The first month  as a mother is incomparable, especially if it is the first child. But very few report how difficult this time can be. And even if they do,  it’s not easy to put into words. But you can trust that this situation will change very quickly.

Mother and baby

The difficulties of understanding the baby, getting used to their times and controlling fears are surmountable. But leaving personal life completely on the left is very troublesome for many women.

The baby deserves the most attention, but  the physical changes are always present. This process can be very difficult.

Both a natural delivery and a caesarean section bring difficulties in the puerperium. Getting up or going to the bathroom can be an ordeal. The shower is also often complicated and painful.

In the first days after giving birth, breastfeeding is unbearable for many women because it hurts and you are not used to it.

During this time, new mothers are very sensitive and  every word can get under your skin. Some women also lose their self-esteem. In addition, there is tiredness and little time to sleep.

In the first month, the family usually gets a lot of visitors, which is also exhausting. But the hardest part is usually  that life changes drastically and forever. You are not the same now as you were before.

Some women panic about walking around in their pajamas all day, but that’s the least of all. If they had known beforehand what to expect, they might have thought about it after all. Perhaps that is why there is great silence on this subject. 

in the first month with the baby

The difficulties of the first month: why not talk about it?

Midwife Núria Torras (Maternity Department at Sant Pau Hospital in Barcelona) explains that she and her colleagues talk about the difficulties encountered in the first month in preparatory courses for mothers 

Torras confirms that in her 30 years of experience she has found  that first-mothers focus particularly on the moment of birth  and that other details are mostly ignored.

The expert believes that the first few weeks after childbirth are actually a great challenge for the modern woman. For various reasons, they don’t have their own mother by their side,  which makes theory and practice even more difficult.

Torras also believes that late motherhood makes life especially difficult in the first month after childbirth.  Because a woman who becomes a mother when she is over 30 already has a routine life and a strongly developed personality.

She also mentions  that you have to experience this time yourself to be able to understand it. It is not enough to provide information about the most varied (often unexpected) changes in order to deal with this complex topic.

Torras explains that while prep classes teach mothers about postpartum and breastfeeding time, they cannot get an idea of ​​what it is until they find themselves in the same position. But she also notes that they shouldn’t complain, because that’s the price for something wonderful!

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