Studies Show: Nausea During Pregnancy Protects The Baby

In the morning in particular, the symptoms of pregnancy are often particularly unpleasant. These usually start early, but nature intended it that way, because it is assumed that nausea, nausea and other typical complaints protect against miscarriages.
Studies show: nausea during pregnancy protects the baby

Some women have no symptoms during pregnancy, but most of them experience nausea. Recent research suggests that there is an explanation for this: nausea is a reflex that protects the baby  .  You read that correctly: Certain pregnancy complaints are an indication that everything is going according to plan and that the little belly-dweller is healthy.

In the morning in particular, the symptoms of pregnancy are often particularly unpleasant. These usually start early, but nature intended it that way, because it is assumed that nausea, nausea and other typical complaints protect against miscarriages.

This is good news, because  pregnant women can find a positive meaning in the unpleasant complaints. It’s part of the process. This has been suspected for a long time, but it has now also been scientifically confirmed. 

How does nausea protect the baby?

Studies at the National Institute of Health (USA) have found that pregnant women experience nausea and nausea when they are healthy. To confirm this theory, the experts examined 800 pregnant women shortly after conception.

Nausea during pregnancy protects the baby

Of these women, 188 miscarried. In the eighth week of pregnancy, over 57% of women suffered from nausea and 26% from nausea. The women who suffered from these typical complaints had a success rate of 75%.

Based on the data collected, the scientists came to the conclusion that the body is in the adjustment phase in the first trimester of pregnancy.  For example, possible pollutants or pathogens in the food ingested must not reach the fetus, which is very sensitive.
As a result, the organism tries to  eliminate all harmful substances from the body by vomiting. This is how he protects the growing baby.
However, if the mother does not experience nausea, does not expel food or does not reject certain foods, the pollutants may reach the baby. If there is nausea but no vomiting occurs, the organism may only be showing its ability to distinguish between good and bad. 

Science confirms it: nausea protects the child during pregnancy

The human body is perfect and always amazes us. Almost every woman suffers from nausea during pregnancy. But these unpleasant complaints are a good sign. They show, for example, that our bodies adjust to a new situation in order to become mothers. 

Nausea during pregnancy protects the child

The typical pregnancy symptoms seem to arise  because the organism tries to protect the growing baby. Nature intended reproduction and prepared us accordingly.

In previous research, scientists tried to confirm this hypothesis. That is, they already assumed that nausea was protecting the baby. But it was only recently that it was actually established that this is the case.

Previous studies looked at how women remembered their pregnancy, but these surveys did not produce the desired results. Because it seems that women don’t remember all the complaints if they weren’t very pronounced. 

However, in the aforementioned study, records were used by the women, which they made from the day they were informed of the happy event. Those women who miscarried had the least discomfort. 

So if you suffer from nausea or other ailments during pregnancy, consider  yourself lucky because you know that this is how your body protects your baby! 

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