Smartphones Cause Speech Delay

We often compare our own children with those of others, especially when it comes to their development. But when is there actually a speech delay?
Smartphones cause speech delay

In order to be able to properly talk about a speech delay, there are a few things you need to understand first.

Each child learns in their own way and at their own pace. But by a certain age, certain results should be present.

There are modern diseases that result from the use of technological devices. For example, if your baby has a lot of contact with smartphones, he or she may suffer from speech lag.

Recent studies have shown a link between speech delays and the use of devices such as smartphones.

We often compare our own children with those of others, especially when it comes to their development.

My child can already crawl or your child learns to walk first. But every child develops differently.

Between six months and two years, a toddler should have said a few words by now. It should babble, say “mom”, or ask for water.

But even if it hasn’t already done so, it’s not safe to say that it’s back in development.

Speech Delay - Speech Delay-1Experts say that one can only speak of a speech delay in children if the following things are observed:

  • At 12 to 15 months, the child has not yet spoken clearly. In this case we mean simple words like “mom”.
  • At 18 months old, it doesn’t seem to understand our words such as “no”. Instructions like “stop” or “sit down” are usually understood at that age, even if the child is not yet speaking.
  • At three years of age, the child cannot form short sentences.
  • At the age of 4 or 5, they cannot or will not tell short stories.

How can smartphones cause speech delay?

A study by the American Association of Pediatricians shows that  children who use smartphones or tablets are at risk.

We know these devices can be very distracting to children. Even so, many parents let their children play with it for a long time.

The blue light emitted by these devices and loud noises are just as harmful.  However, in the study mentioned, the consequences for linguistic development were mainly examined.

The researchers assume that even half an hour a day can lead to language problems. Dealing with these devices suppresses the need for communication.

When using display devices, children shield themselves from the outside world. You don’t need anyone and you don’t have to talk to anyone.

Experts recommend not handing a smartphone to children up to one and a half years of age.  This is the only way to prevent risks.

This recommendation is based on a study that was carried out with 800 children between six and 24 months. It examined the language development of the participating children between 2011 and 2015.

Expert opinions

Speech Delay - Speech Delay-2

The decisive factor is how long children talk to screen devices and what exactly they do with them during this time.

For this reason, Dr. Catherine Birken, the researcher behind the study, said:
  • The recommended age to start using smartphones and tablets is 18 months and later.
  • These devices should not be used for more than 2 hours per day.
  • It is important to only use age-appropriate apps and games with which the child can learn something.
  • Do not leave your child alone with the device, even if they seem very focused on a game.
  • Make sure your child is not showing any psychological or motor delays.
  • Never stop talking to your child. In order for them to develop their language properly, they need to be able to listen to you.

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