Rhythmic Gymnastics For Children – Advantages

Show your child videos before they start this sport. Maybe it can discover a new passion!
Rhythmic gymnastics for children - advantages

Rhythmic gymnastics is a sport that combines movements of dance and ballet. There are also acrobatics and the use of equipment such as ribbons, balls and hoops.

Rhythmic gymnastics  has several advantages for children, which we will take a closer look at today.

In general, it is recommended that children should be at least 6 years old before starting this discipline. Before that, they usually cannot meet the basic requirements for this sport.

At the age of 6, children begin to develop their spatial orientation. They also have better control over their bodies.

Rhythmic gymnastics is suitable for both boys and girls,  but this type of gymnastics is mostly chosen by girls. It can be done individually or in groups.

Rhythmic gymnastics: benefits for children

Rhythmic gymnastics is a demanding sport that has the following advantages for children:

1. Fitness and flexibility

If you’ve seen the movements that are performed in rhythmic gymnastics, you will understand how it can be used to train endurance and flexibility.

This discipline also requires good agility.  At the same time, the muscles are strengthened and calories are reduced. The metabolism is stimulated by sport and it also ensures a good appetite and relaxation.

Rhythmic gymnastics for children

2. Better body awareness

In addition to the physical demands, rhythmic gymnastics for children places great emphasis on aesthetics. This means that children know exactly the movements they are making. They are also perfectly placed in space and time.

This sport can also correct bad posture and thus avoid injuries. In addition, balance is promoted.

3. Concentration exercise

There are not only physical benefits to rhythmic gymnastics. This sport promotes planning skills, memory and concentration. Body and mind benefit in many ways!

4. Better coordination

Another important element of rhythmic gymnastics is music. Not only will it improve the children’s hearing, but it will also  improve their coordination and rhythm. 

5. Better quality of life

Rhythmic gymnastics is fun and improves your mood! Children are thus active in their free time and at the same time can improve their self-perception. This builds self-esteem and self-confidence.

In addition  , in this sport children have contact with like-minded people and teachers. You will learn the value of teamwork, mutual support and group fun.

Rhythmic gymnastics for children

What speaks against rhythmic gymnastics for children?

There are also arguments against this sport in children. Some consider old age premature,  even if it generally does not begin before the age of 4 or 6 years.

It is a  very demanding sport in which complicated and risky movements are performed. Children have to remember complex steps and synchronize them correctly.

If you exercise hard, you may experience  delayed  menstruation, but this is usually only the case with top athletes.  Injuries can also occur, but this is also the case in other sports.

For some children, facing a jury or practicing the sport in front of an audience can be very stressful  In particular, not everyone can cope with negative reviews in the same way.

But all of this depends on the extent and the zeal with which the sport is practiced. It can be a healthy and fun leisure activity or competitive sport! 

With smaller children, fun and games should be the main focus, older children can decide for themselves whether they want to make more of this sport or not.

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