Recovery After The Birth: 1 Year Break

The new mother’s body takes far more time than eight weeks to recover. In addition, there are new responsibilities and feelings, a changed everyday life and a new world that opens to the mother’s eyes.
Postnatal recovery: 1 year break

How long does it take a woman after the birth of her child to recover from the stresses and strains? A study by the UK’s University of Salford recommends one year  break  to make!

The researchers were able to confirm that the puerperium, for which a period of six to eight weeks is normally calculated, is not sufficient for recovery after the birth. 

The new mother’s body takes far more time than eight weeks to recover. In addition, there are new responsibilities and feelings, a changed everyday life and a new world that opens to the mother’s eyes.

That is why doctor Julie Wray interviewed mothers at various stages and came to interesting results. The eight week long childbed has nothing to do with reality. A woman needs after birth up to one year  break  to recuperate properly.

Break and recovery after childbirth

When we talk about postpartum recovery, it is not just about physical regression and healing from birth injuries. Emotional and mental aspects also play a fundamental role. 

In the first few months in particular, the pressure on the new mother is very great. She wants to be the best mother in the world and understand and properly satisfy all of the baby’s needs.

But that’s not all. Work commitments also put a strain on the mother, because she knows that she has to return to work. As if nothing had changed. As if the physical, hormonal, and emotional changes hadn’t happened.

Mother needs a year off after the baby is born

Science supports the situation of mothers. The puerperium cannot be reduced to 6 or 8 weeks because it is not just about the uterus regressing. There are many other factors that need to be taken into account.

Hormones and breastfeeding

The new mother needs time for her hormonal balance to return to normal. Especially when it comes to a first-time mother, it will take  her several months to adjust to the new motherhood.

New habits, caring for the baby, a new rhythm of life and new responsibilities lead to many changes in everyday life. The baby needs to be looked after and cared for around the clock.

Breastfeeding should also be taken into account in the mother’s recovery phase. Some women breastfeed their baby for a year, others even for two years. This is another reason why they need a longer  break that  goes well beyond 6 to 8 weeks.

The scientific consideration of the postpartum phase does not only take physical changes into account. The chaotic world of emotions of the new mother must not be forgotten either. The changed living conditions and responsibilities take time!

Of course, every woman is different and therefore the length of the recovery phase after the birth of the child is different. But it is very difficult for a woman to fully recover and get used to her new life in just six to eight weeks. 

Mother needs a break to care for her baby

It is not easy to recover from all the hardships and at the same time take care of the little earthly citizen who  needs constant attention and care. The young mother not only has to recharge her batteries physically, she also has to find her way in her new role.

Take a break after the birth for physical recovery

During the postpartum recovery phase, various physical changes take place, which also lead to various complaints:

  • Normalization and regeneration of the body (regression of the uterus, etc.)
  • Normalization of the pelvic floor
  • Swelling
  • Cellulite
  • Bleeding
  • fatigue
  • Constant pain or discomfort

The changes after the birth of the child are very varied and exhausting. So the results of the University of Salford in recommending a new mom to take a year off are only logical. The postpartum recovery phase is a complex process that takes time!

Therefore, as a new mom, you shouldn’t worry if you need more time to recover physically and mentally.

Give yourself enough break and respect the times of nature. Enjoy your child and take care of yourself too. Let yourself be helped and cared for! This is fundamental for your child, for your family, and for yourself!

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