Realfooding: Everything You Need To Know About This Movement

Whether you’ve heard about the real food movement or not, you should definitely read today’s article. We will tell you everything you need to know about it.
Realfooding: Everything You Need To Know About This Movement

In recent years, the term “ real fooding ” has spread around the world, especially on social media. Every day, more and more people are opting for this form of diet, which is based on exactly what its name suggests: eating real food.

The followers of this philosophy refer to themselves as “Realfooder”. What exactly is this new trend about?

What is the real food movement?

According to the founder of the real fooding movement, Carlos Rios, this lifestyle consists of eating real food rather than extremely processed foods.

Hence, this movement is much more than just a new trend. It’s about getting back to food as we’ve known it all our lives. It’s about dishes like grandma’s homemade beef stew and a diet made up of raw ingredients.

It also removes from the menu all those foods that contain a long list of ingredients and additives that do not give us any health benefits.

At first glance, it may seem that this movement is asking us to run out of the supermarket screaming. Of course, we also find the largest selection of industrially processed foods here. However, there are some exceptions to the choice of food in the realfooding lifestyle.

Realfooding - selbstgemachte Guacamole

The foods in this category are either industrially or artisanal processed. However , this processing either does not affect the health benefits of these foods or even improves them.

In addition, these processing methods serve to make the products last longer and to make them safer and easier to consume. The processing can be mechanical, physical or chemical.

Below is a list of some of the healthy processed foods we all eat more or less frequently:

  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Ultraheat milk
  • Fermented dairy products (yogurt or kefir)
  • Canned legumes
  • Canned fish or marine fish
  • Whole wheat pasta
  • Whole grain bread
  • Frozen vegetables

Why should you choose a realfooding diet?

There are many reasons that might lead you to choose the real fooding lifestyle. One of the three main reasons people make this decision is their health.

Over the past few decades we have seen an alarming increase in obesity rates around the world and this trend is likely to continue.

Both children and adults are affected. In addition, the associated diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol  , etc.

The situation is getting worse and worse, and at the same time bad eating habits are increasing, which are also characterized by excessive consumption of highly processed foods.

To fight this epidemic, some changes need to be made. One of those changes is that people are living and eating healthy at home.

We need to eat real food and healthy foods again. For example, fruits, vegetables, lettuce, legumes, nuts, seeds, lean meat, fish, eggs and dairy products.

In addition, we should exercise and do sports every day. If we change our habits in this way, modern society will be able to maintain its physical and psychological well-being in the long term.

Can we all be real food and eat real food?

If you’ve asked yourself this question, we’ll give you a very clear answer: YES! We all can and should forego extremely processed products and replace them with real food. All members of your household, from the youngest to the oldest, will benefit from this diet and lifestyle change.

Additionally , for kids, the benefits of the realfooding movement are greater and more effective in the long run. At a young age we develop our eating habits, which influence and determine our further development and our future behavior.

Therefore, we should teach our children good and healthy eating habits from an early age.

Realfooding - muesli and fruits

How can you get your children excited about realfooding?

However, it is not always easy to teach children these healthy habits. Therefore, we would like to make some suggestions below how you could do this more easily:

  1. Prepare colorful and varied meals. If you let your imagination run wild, you will be able to surprise your children with irresistible and at the same time healthy dishes.
  2. Remove highly processed foods from your shopping list. If you only have healthy foods at home, you will find them when you are hungry. Therefore, you should avoid having ready-made products in the closet, even if you only stock them for emergencies. Because then you will probably eat them more often than you should.
  3. Lead by example. Children learn by imitation. If you lead them by example and eat healthily, they will follow suit and develop healthy habits as well.
  4. Get your children involved. Go shopping with them and have them help prepare meals. There is no better way to learn about healthy foods than to experiment with them yourself.

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