Raising Optimistic Children: 10 Tips

Learn how to use simple daily exercises to raise optimistic children. 
Raising Optimistic Children: 10 Tips

In our hectic, fast-paced world, it is not always easy to raise optimistic children.

But the results are wonderful when you start at an early age. It’s about developing strong, courageous and confident character traits.

But how can that be achieved? With a little practice you will achieve your goal.

We begin by defining optimism as a  skill that enables one to enjoy challenges, appreciate opportunities and believe in one’s own capacities. 

These are just some of the characteristics of great optimists. Achieve that your child also learns to see the glass half full instead of half empty. These strategies will help you:

Optimistic children: motivation

1. Practice meditation and mindfulness with your child. Show your little one simple meditation techniques, even if you are not very experienced in them yourself. You can learn to teach him how to breathe properly and practice with your child for 5 minutes each day. This will help your offspring to  reduce stress and nervousness and improve self-control. 

2. Encourage your child to exercise. Regular exercise is very healthy for the body and mind. Endorphins are released and the child can regulate their energy balance. It also learns to integrate with others, discipline and the ability to set and achieve goals.

3. Learn to be grateful to your child. Invite them to say thank you for the beautiful things in life. Take 5 minutes each day to mention two to three positive things that happened during the day. In this way, your little one will learn  to appreciate small moments of happiness in daily life and be optimistic. 

4. Show him your love. The best way to show someone that you love them is to give them time and also tell them with words. Take quality time for your child every day and be interested in their problems and worries. Help him find solutions.

mother and daughter

5. Allow your child to experiment with success. When someone can enjoy the result of a good performance, this is the best motivation. It is therefore important that you give your child age-appropriate tasks that they can perform. You can then praise his success and efforts.

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6. Be a positive role model yourself. Children imitate the behavior of their caregivers. If you want your child to walk through life with optimism, show them how to deal with conflict in a constructive way. Show your darling to recognize the life lesson they can learn from every difficult situation.

7. Don’t burden your child with unnecessary worries. Young children cannot understand and share the concerns of adults. Wait until your child is older and more mature to talk to them about certain things.

8. Give your sweetheart space for fun and entertainment. The routines and tasks of the adult world often also limit the children’s space. Don’t forget that  optimistic children  need happy family moments and space for fun entertainment. Families who experience fun things together are more closely connected.

9. Teach your child to use positive language. We have a tendency to use negative words to describe ourselves. Change this habit and choose positive sentences: Instead of “Math is very difficult” you can use “Math takes a lot of practice”, which is already much more constructive.

raise happy children

10. Show your little darling to look at things from different perspectives. Of course there are difficult moments in life, and that will never change. But it depends on the right attitude. If your child knows how to see the positive things instead of making themselves a victim, then they will be successful in life.


Optimism is a fundamental skill to be able to live a happy life. With the above exercises, your child will transform themselves into a better person. 

They will be content and confident and so can help others see life in a positive way as well. Show your child these strategies to help them overcome difficult situations. Optimistic children have more success in life!

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