Promoting Children’s Intelligence Through Play

Playing is not a waste of time, it is a necessity! An active child who has time to play is healthier both physically and emotionally.
Promote children's intelligence through play

Children have to play! Not only do you have fun, but you can also develop a wide variety of skills. It’s the best way for them to learn. Find out today how you can develop children’s intelligence  through play.

Playing is not a waste of time, it is a necessity! An active child who has time to play is healthier both physically and emotionally.

A new study gives you another reason  to play with your youngest member of the family. The study took place in Pakistan at the Aga Khan University in Karachi. 

From this it appears that certain games develop children’s intelligence  . This study examined 1,302 four-year-old children who received oral, mental, and motor stimulation while playing.

Those children who were stimulated  achieved a significantly higher intelligence quotient (IQ) than those who received no stimulation. 

This also helped improve preschool skills. At the same time, it was easier for the stimulated children to interact with other people.

Promote children's intelligence through games

Promote children’s intelligence through games

Children have to play, but not alone! In order to benefit from all the advantages of playful activities, it is important that the little ones play together with others.

Children who play with their parents or siblings develop very important emotional skills. This emotional intelligence will help them understand others better in the future.

In fact, the above study showed a significant difference in behavior and cognitive ability among children who had played with their parents or siblings from an early age.

All participating children came from low-income families. Stimulating them while playing didn’t require expensive toys.

In some cases the children played with kitchen utensils. Some parents made improvised toys with other household items. It is important that the children spend time with family and friends and have fun.

Parents can also benefit from playing with their children

Children are not the only ones who have fun and develop higher cognitive and social skills when they play. Parents can also benefit from it!

Playing with your child will not only help you forge a stronger bond with them. The cited study also shows that this also enables parents to take better care of their child. 

In addition, the ability to communicate between parents and child improves.

intelligent children - intelligent_children

Play creates healthy and intelligent children

Usually children stop playing when they are sick. This is because playing requires active activity and energy. This requires physical, emotional and intellectual effort. 

It is therefore one of  the best indicators of a child’s health and mood. Playing is almost as important as eating and sleeping.

If your child plays, sleeps and eats enough, that is an indicator of a healthy child.

By playing, your child gets to know the world around them. It develops imagination, becomes emotionally involved, imitates other children, moves its muscles, etc.

Playing is the best entertainment for children and at the same time promotes their development, healthy emotions and good motor skills.

When children play, they exercise their growing bodies. They learn to control it and to coordinate their muscles, limbs and movements. It also stimulates intelligence and emotions.

As they play,  your child gets to know themselves and the world around them. It learns to imagine things and can develop its imagination.

They can also put themselves in the shoes of others, regardless of whether they are real or imaginary situations. It can learn to share and develop empathy. In later life these skills are essential!

Playing creates independence

Playing children are more independent. Independence is one of the most important goals of education. After all, it’s about bringing up a balanced, independent adult. 

The toy industry influences the decisions of many parents. However, you should keep in mind that many off-the-shelf games limit the child’s creativity. 

Give your child the chance to learn about the real world. About his surroundings and himself. That is just as important, if not more.

Give your child time every day to play with them, even if it’s only half an hour. Be active and have fun! Watching TV together has nothing to do with it, it’s not a game.

Use these priceless moments to forget all of your worries and responsibilities. Strengthen your relationship with your child by laughing with them and doing mischief while you play together. In this way you can also promote the intelligence of children! 

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