Pregnancy Belt Lets Fathers Feel The Baby

As we know, motherhood experiences motherhood very differently in terms of intensity and emotions than the father does. But with a pregnancy belt, the father can also feel the movements of the little belly-dweller.
Pregnancy belt makes fathers feel the baby

Now fathers can feel every movement and every step the baby makes in the womb. A newly developed  pregnancy  belt from the Huggies brand makes this possible.

The electronic belt is able to convey emotions to fathers that were previously unimaginable for them. You can use it to feel the baby’s movements. A great experience!

Mothers are lucky enough to feel their little belly-dweller and thus develop a very special relationship with them. Until now, however, fathers only had the option of placing their hands on the mother’s belly to feel the baby.

Now, however, there is a special  pregnancy belt that  also enables men to perceive the baby’s movements. 

How does the pregnancy belt work?

The device developed by Huggies is part of the innovative products that connect people with technology.

Devices already exist that are connected to cell phones that allow pregnancy monitoring, such as a portable ultrasound.

This time it’s about a belt that connects mother and father. The pregnancy belt is equipped with sensors that record the baby’s movements. 

These are then transmitted wirelessly to the father’s belt, who  can feel the movements identically in real time. 

Pregnancy belt

In order to create a precise feeling , the device developed for the father has a number of LED lights. These can create a visual pattern that uses vibrations to indicate where the movement is taking place.

The vibrations are small but intense enough to transmit the mother’s movements. 

No excuses

Some men may be interested in feeling the baby before it is born. However, you can hardly imagine what it means to feel the movement of your child in the uterus.

Others may not want to know and are  overwhelmed by the idea of ​​enduring their partner’s various emotional changes.

But with this invention there are no excuses. Now the father has the opportunity to better understand his pregnant partner’s feelings.

It will also be a lovely experience that connects them as a family and deepens the relationship.

Even when it comes to pregnancy, it is the woman who bears the most responsibility and has to go through the most difficult process. The father only experiments this process from the outside, but does not experience the unique moments that are granted to the mother.

The parents feel connected to each other through the birth of the child.

An advertising project

The invention was presented on Father’s Day. It was a project by the Huggies brand and the Argentine advertising agency Ogilvy & Mather, who conducted a four-month study with future parents.

During this research, they created a video capturing the project.  This shows the parents’ excited reactions when they feel their baby for the first time.

For now it’s just an advertising project with no commercial use. It is not yet clear whether the pregnancy belt will one day be available in stores. 

It is certainly a great invention that might also be of interest to specialists who, for example, offer 3D ultrasound to see the baby.

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