Pregnancy: Avoiding Stretch Marks

The skin needs special care during pregnancy. This is the only way you can avoid stretch marks or at least make them develop less strongly. 
Pregnancy: avoid stretch marks

Avoiding stretch marks  is not easy at all. But there are a few measures and tips that you can consider to take special care of your skin during pregnancy.

Almost all women develop stretch marks during pregnancy, which are usually visible on the abdomen, buttocks, breasts or thighs.

The skin is stretched a lot from the weight gain. The overstretching of the connective tissue causes irreparable tears. In addition, hormonal changes and other factors can lead to stretch marks.

The unsightly stripes are particularly noticeable from the second trimester. Once there, they cannot be completely removed. That is why prevention is extremely important!

How can you avoid stretch marks?

The skin needs special care during pregnancy. This is the only way you can avoid stretch marks or at least make them develop less strongly.

1. Daily moisturizer for your skin

Use moisturizing creams or oils to  help keep your skin elastic. You should take care of your entire body, especially the areas prone to pink to red stripes.

It is also important to pamper the skin with plenty of moisture while breastfeeding! Creams with vegetable oils such as  sweet almond oil, jojoba, shea butter, avocado, wheat germ oil and olive oil are particularly suitable. 

Avoid stretch marks

2. Watch your weight

The more you gain weight, the more stretch marks will form. If your skin is overstretched, damage to the connective tissue that is irreparable occurs, especially in the areas already mentioned.

3. Drink plenty of water

You can avoid stretch marks by keeping your body hydrated from within. If you drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day, your skin will become more flexible. 

Of course, you can also drink tea or vegetable juices. However, avoid caffeinated tea and coffee and sugared drinks. You can also make yourself a fresh fruit juice every now and then.

4. Eating healthy

You cannot prevent stretch marks with certain foods. But vitamins and other vital substances can improve the elasticity of your skin. 

Include foods in your eating plan that are  high in  antioxidants.  These include, for example, kiwis, lettuce, peppers, oranges, lemons, grapefruits, melons, pineapples, tomatoes, legumes, vegetable oils and animal proteins.

5. Lots of exercise

Get advice from your gynecologist about  which physical activities are right for you during pregnancy. Exercise also has many benefits for expectant mothers. Among other things, you can use it to prevent stretch marks, as you tighten your muscles and strengthen your skin through movement.

6. A gentle exfoliation

You can avoid stretch marks  by regularly applying gentle exfoliation to your skin during pregnancy. 

It is best to replace the shower gel with a gentle peeling that promotes cell regeneration and strengthens your skin.

Avoid stretch marks

7. Avoid direct sun exposure

In general, it is better to avoid direct sun exposure during pregnancy. Especially if you already have stretch marks, you shouldn’t expose them to the sun.

If you want to avoid stretch marks, you need extra care. Nevertheless, it can lead to overstretching of the skin. You have to accept this. You will remember this unique time through the stripes for your entire life.

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