Personal Well-being: A Basic Requirement For Upbringing

Happy parents are the best role models. Children can best develop into strong, satisfied adults in a stable family structure. Today we invite you to reflect with us on this topic. 
Personal well-being: a basic requirement for upbringing

Personal well-being  is a basic requirement for anyone who wants to raise their children consciously and healthily. You can only convey contentment, harmony and happiness to your child in everyday life if you are doing well.

Of course, the needs of your child must still be in the foreground, because it depends on you and needs you.

In addition, a harmonious relationship is important, because parents are the most important role models for their children. Immature or emotionally unstable partnerships or overwhelmed parents have a negative impact on the development of the child. 

Raising a child is not an art, but teaching a  person a healthy self-confidence, responsibility and other important values ​​is not always easy. 

A child should be confident, sensible, brave, happy with themselves and with others and that is not an easy thing.

Happy parents are the best role models. Children can best develop into strong, content adults in a stable family structure. Today we invite you to reflect with us on this topic.

Happy parents, healthy child?

personal well-being - mother and daughter

Children not only need happy parents, they also need someone who is emotionally and psychologically strong. Let’s take a closer look at this now.

Personal well-being and human warmth

Human warmth and personal well-being have to be developed,  which is not always easy, because living conditions play a fundamental role here. The following aspects are important:

  • The feeling of respect, empathy and consideration.
  • Healthy development of a strong identity and good self-esteem that enable us to respect others.
  • Human warmth that promotes good. The humility and appreciation of the interests of others, a strong compassion for others.

personal well-being - father with son

Our personal story and how we mastered it

We are not just the product of our past,  but rather what we make of it.

Parents have to cope with numerous struggles and fears themselves, they are constantly faced with worries and challenges. What is important, however, is how they deal with it and what impact they have on their children. 

Over time, life energy teaches us that we don’t need much to be happy:  The most important thing in life are those people we love and those who love us. 

Healthy self-love is a prerequisite for loving a child

personal well-being - a happy family

When a person cannot love himself, he is projecting his own needs onto others. All of these deficits can have serious consequences in raising children.

Parents who don’t love themselves tend to be overly in control of their children.  Their parenting style often has a negative impact on their children.

  • Fathers and mothers who do not love themselves can form unhealthy and neurotic bonds with their children. In addition to being too much in control, you can be suspicious and prone to strong emotional ups and downs. These factors cause serious consequences for the psychological development of their children.

    Love yourself to be able to love better

    Loving yourself doesn’t mean being in love with yourself, we should make that clear. We have the right to give ourselves what we deserve, to fight for what we want, and to preserve our personal well-being and dignity.

    All of this makes us parents who deserve to have children. Because if we take care of ourselves, we can give our children the best of ourselves.

    Regardless of whether you are a single parent or live in a relationship: you have to take care of yourself and take time for yourself, you have to deal with your emotional weaknesses, insecurities and fears.

    You can be a true role model for your children. They can confide in you, look up to you and learn from you every day. 

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