Period During Pregnancy?

If you have bleeding during pregnancy, see a doctor immediately, even if it isn’t always caused by a serious problem.
Period During Pregnancy?

Every woman knows that menstruation stops during pregnancy and that it usually takes a while afterwards before it comes back on a regular basis. In today’s article, however, the question is whether  periods can  also occur during pregnancy.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, some women have bleeding that is very similar to menstrual flow. About 1 in 200 women experience weakened menstruation during pregnancy, which starts pretty much at the normal time.
But how and why does it come about? Find out more about it afterwards.

Period during pregnancy

We then look at possible reasons for this.

2. Bleeding after using contraceptives

Sometimes women have irregular cycles after using contraceptives such as birth control pills. If you recently stopped taking the pill and are now pregnant, it is possible that you may experience irregular spotting from the hormone switch.

It is also difficult to determine whether the bleeding is your normal period or irregular withdrawal bleeding if you became pregnant immediately after taking the birth control pill.

3. Ectopic pregnancy

Sometimes the fertilized egg is implanted outside the uterus. Often this happens in the fallopian tubes or in the cervix.

When this happens, the cells start to grow, causing pain and bleeding. The blood will likely be red in color and cause a great deal of pain.

Without treatment, ectopic pregnancy can reduce the chances of a healthy pregnancy again. It is therefore important to seek medical attention immediately.

4. Molar pregnancy

Molar pregnancy occurs when the fertilized egg becomes abnormal and a benign trophoblast tumor forms in the placenta. 

This puts the pregnancy at great risk. Immediate medical treatment is also required to prevent damage to the reproductive organs.

5. Hormonal changes

Your progesterone levels can also be a cause of bleeding. During pregnancy, more progesterone is produced and your period usually comes on.

However, if the progesterone level does not rise enough,  minor bleeding may continue. 

Period during pregnancy

6. Miscarriage

Bleeding can also be an early sign of a miscarriage. In this case, the blood loss can also be greater. In any case, you have to see a doctor immediately!

Bleeding during pregnancy doesn’t always have to indicate a serious problem. In some cases, the body simply needs time to adapt, because the  natural rhythm is so imprinted that despite the new situation, a light period still sets in. 

Regardless of the intensity of the bleeding, you must definitely be examined by a doctor in order to rule out risks or, if necessary, to initiate appropriate treatment.

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