Patience Comes With The Child!

As the child is born, the mother’s patience also develops. Because she needs calm, thoughtfulness, forbearance and composure to care for and raise her little treasure. 
With the child comes patience too!

As the child is born, the mother’s patience  also develops  . Because she needs calm, thoughtfulness, forbearance and composure to care for and raise her little treasure.

During the pregnancy the mother may have been nervous and excited, but once the child arrives, she needs a lot of  patience,  poise and gentleness.

Even if she never had time before and 24 hours a day was far too little, she is now learning to remain calm and be patient. Things that used to be important can now wait.

Impatience and stress, which shaped daily life and are important in order to achieve personal or professional goals, no longer make sense.

When a woman becomesmother, she learns that slowness is important in raising and caring for a child. Because it is a gift to be able to enjoy everything and everyone that accompanies you in life at every moment.

Motherhood gives you the opportunity to enjoy the following gifts:

  • The ability to raise and shape a tiny human being.
  • Feeling true love that comes at first sight and is worth any sacrifice at any cost.
  • To develop further and to be better prepared, more tolerant, more balanced. To learn inflexibly to accept the behavior, the nature, the thinking and also the mischief and exuberance of the small child and thus to experience happiness.

Child and mother with a lot of patience

A mother’s patience means emotional well-being for the child

Patience is a human ability and attitude that  enables tolerance. With this one can accept or at least cope with events, people or situations. But a mother’s patience is different from other people’s.

When a mother is patient with her child  , she gives him love too. With her body language, she shows that she is waiting to give her child time. Because they should eat, drink, watch things or finish a conversation in peace, even if they can barely utter their first words.

It takes time for a child to gradually assimilate things that are happening around them. It needs to learn in its own way and shouldn’t feel any outside pressure while learning and mimicking adult behavior and language.
A baby doesn’t understand what time means. It’s in no rush and doesn’t know why it should be quick. It just wants to satisfy its curiosity, consciously enjoy the moment and not be rushed.

Mother reads to child

A mother knows that.  She patiently waits until her child explores interesting things, tastes the taste of the food, or thinks up stories based on the pattern of her blouse.

A child needs time to learn and to fixate what it has learned. It has the ability to take in and codify information that  it quietly observes in its environment.

Through the patience of its mother, the child feels loved, wanted and accepted as it is. It also finds  recognition and applause:  the mother’s strength makes him a strong child with healthy emotions and good self-esteem.

With the child comes patience

A mother knows that without patience she would often be frantic,  because raising a child can be very exhausting. She knows that patience is her support in mastering difficult situations: in the long sleepless nights or during the child’s wild outbursts.

But a mother also knows that patience will always be there, because  a mother’s patience knows no bounds! 

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