Papa, You Are Important Too!

Take the time to support, raise and share your life with your children, because you are important too, dad!
Dad, you are important too!

In some cultures it is still common for the father to work outside the home and the mother to look after and raise the children at home. Many men leave all the tasks that affect the children to the mothers. But the father is  also important  in the life of his children!

Children just as urgently need the fatherly figure  for their development. Because she mediates them

  • protection and safety
  • a male role model
  • Fun and games
  • Emotions from shared experiences with the father
  • the opportunity to see parents as a loving couple (and role model).

In today’s post we would like to remind you of the fundamental role fathers play in the development of their children. 

protection and safety

Dad, you are important too!  Father with child

One of the father’s duties is to look after the child and to ensure that his material and emotional basic needs are met.

Studies show that the presence of the father is extremely important for the mental and emotional development of the child. Especially when it comes to a boy who needs a paternal role model for male identification.

This does not mean  that children who grow up without a father are defenseless or cannot develop sufficiently emotionally. This also depends on a wide variety of other factors and especially the family environment.

The male role model

The father usually takes on the role of an authority figure. He is a role model for his children and is  also important for  teaching children thought patterns and teaching them the importance of work and exertion. 

When the children see that the  father is responsible, they learn from an early age to imitate this exemplary behavior and to carry out their tasks. To be a model together with the mother means to actively participate in all decisions that have to do with children and family.

Play and fun

In play, fathers get to know their children better and get very close to them. Of course, the mother can also play with the children,  but together with the whole family it is even more fun and a healthy bond can be built between all family members.

Playing with your child can give you  unique experiences  and encourage your child’s creativity, calm and safety. As a result, the offspring are less aggressive and more tolerant.
You shouldn’t think that the mother is already playing with the children and that that is enough.  Do not miss out on the unrepeatable and priceless moments with your child! 

Living together with your child

Fatherhood can change your self-image when you help your children see their own values. Your priorities and those of your children will change.

Time investment and compromises by the father are necessary. But there is no manual that can show you the exact steps. Every father builds a very special bond with his child. Dad, you are important too, don’t forget that!

Always try to find a solution to every problem and enjoy the privilege of being a father! You are needed and irreplaceable for your child.

Exemplary relationship between parents

Most children can process their emotions better when they have affectionate parents who express their love on a daily basis. Try to form only one voice together with the mother, to clear up possible misunderstandings and to show your affection for the mother also in front of your children. 

It will make your children feel happy, learn to share, love and build their future on a stable family life.

Dad, you are important too!

Dad, you are important too!  Father with children on the beach

Dad, you are important too, you are not just the one bringing home money and material things. You also play a fundamental role in raising your children at home.  Fathers can do the same things as mothers, develop strong relationships with their children, and enjoy fatherhood.

This also gives the mother the opportunity to take on other functions and tasks. Don’t miss out on the chance to talk, play, and have fun with your children to  build strong, stable bonds.

Take the time to support, raise and share your life with your children, because  you are important too, dad!

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