Pamper Your Child: Give Him Everything He Needs

Pampering your child means that you always give him your full affection. Are you going to forgive your child? No, rather the opposite is the case.
Pamper your child: give them everything they need

If you are a mother yourself, chances are you’ve heard of spoiling your child.

Maybe you buy them things, carry them around, or ask for their opinions and feelings instead of being authoritarian.

But giving your child what it needs is your job as a mother. However, you’ve probably heard that you  might regret it, because spoiled children are difficult to control. 

Perhaps you’ve been accused of spoiling your  child  and giving in too often. But even if others want to help you with it, you have to know for yourself and decide how far you can go or not.

Listen to your inner voice. Because Expressing affection through hugs, kisses, and times together has nothing to do with pampering. On the contrary:  it will have a positive effect on your child’s development.

Your child will not automatically become the great master of manipulation just because you give them all of your love – the love you feel every moment of the day.

Dein Kind verwöhnen

Your child needs to feel and love you

Babies have to sense and perceive their parents every day in order to be able to build a stable emotional bond with them. They need to know that they will be protected and given security and emotional comfort from their parents.

This will help them develop in a healthy way – and not let them become bullies as some people might assume.

Your baby needs you The rules and limits can be set later. 

A baby feels safe and secure in the womb. It is not yet used to the outside world in its first few months of life. The world out there is the exact opposite of comfort: There are lots of noises, loud voices, lots of lights, an unsafe atmosphere, people everywhere …

Everything is overwhelming and babies are scared. They need their mother’s security, who must be there when they need it. 

This is why the mother’s voice is so important to the baby. Her smell, her skin, her smile, and all of her love are tremendously soothing.

When a mother gives her baby the love it needs, she begins to develop a very special emotional bond with her child. As a result, the baby’s fears and insecurities will vanish into thin air.

Babies know that mother and father are always there to take care of them at all times. And because of that, this big, strange world suddenly doesn’t seem so bad anymore.

Dein Kind verwöhnen

Pamper your child: You won’t risk anything

Do you want to spoil your child? Don’t worry about giving your baby everything it needs. You don’t risk anything with it.

You will only help your baby feel safe and happy – as part of a family who loves them more than anything. The first months of life are the most important in the development of a little person and therefore you have to be there for your baby and give him all your love. Your baby will need it. 

Your baby is completely dependent on you in every way at birth. But this dependency will not last all his life. Little by little your child will grow up.

At some point it will show you that it can be independent – you will also have to accept that and respect it, support it and stand by its side.

Your child will not be a baby all their life and that is why it is so important that you can enjoy this beautiful phase. Life gave you this special time so you should make the most of it.

You don’t have to let your baby cry alone in the cradle – in fact, it is not recommended. Pick up and hug your baby until they calm down.

It will learn from the fact that you are always by its side and that everything is fine. When you hold your baby in your arms, you are both happy.

There will be no disaster in the future either because your child has become a master of manipulation … They will just know that they have a mother and a father who understand how to show them the love they have deserves: an unconditional love.


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