Organization Of Baptism For Your Child

Organizing a baptism for your baby can be fun as long as you know what steps to take.
Organization of baptism for your child

Do you want a baptism that everyone will remember? Ask yourself what you need to do to keep everything under control. Follow our advice on organizing your baptism and it will turn out just what you wanted it to be.

Baptism is much more than just a baby’s participation in a parent’s beliefs and traditions.

Baptisms have become a way of presenting the child to society. Because of this, many parents feel very pressured to plan and organize.

Recently, baptisms have evolved into grand occasions, similar to weddings. In fact, both events contain many of the same elements. But it is important not to lose sight of perspective.

A baptism is not a wedding. You can have a perfect baptism without turning it into an over-the-top feast.

Take note of the tips we’d like to give you today. With this, you will be able to organize a beautiful baptism for your little one without getting lost in chaos.

Tips for the perfect organization of the baptism

  • Budget. Setting a maximum budget is a good first step in planning your child’s baptism. With this budget in mind, you have control over what you spend and keep track of everything you organize. If you have a lower budget, a christening ceremony followed by a simple cocktail party is perfectly acceptable.
  • Guests. Remember that the focus should always be on your child. So you should take your child’s interests into account when planning. Your baby may be overwhelmed by a large number of people holding and taking photos. Be selective about who will accompany you on this special day.
  • Baptismal clothing. Depending on the style of the celebration – modern or traditional – you can choose an outfit that suits the occasion. The most traditional choice is that of a christening gown, which consists of a long white dress and hat. Many families have christening gowns that have been passed down for generations. This can add a sentimental note to baptism. More modern outfits are currently in fashion for older children or for parents who simply want something different.
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  • The reception. This is a crucial moment that leaves its mark. Traditionally, families choose to celebrate their child’s baptism with lunch or dinner afterwards. It’s up to you if you want to do something similar to a wedding party … Lots of friends and family, a candy bar, a photographer, chocolate fountain, a festive meal, etc. Or you do just the opposite: a simple celebration. You can only invite your closest friends and family to the baptism, followed by a simple meal, coffee, or toast.
  • Gifts. At baptisms, such as weddings and communions, not only the child receives gifts. Traditionally, parents also give the guests a kind of souvenir as a gift. You can choose what you want, but remember: it doesn’t have to be fancy. It’s just a simple party gift.
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  • Age. Although most parents baptize their children before the age of 6 months, there is no age limit. This means that you can also have your 1-, 2-, and 3-year-old children baptized. Christening gowns are usually made for little babies. If you’re baptizing an older child, keep in mind that a traditional christening gown is hard to come by.
  • Godparents. Traditionally, parents choose two people to sponsor their child. But you can also choose just one. However, if you decide to go with two people, you should choose a man and a woman. That is a requirement of the Catholic Church Law. Godparents are responsible for bringing up the child according to the values ​​of the Christian Church in the event that the child’s parents are no longer able to do so.

What NOT to Do When Organizing Baptism

  • Don’t forget who you are celebrating. Babies have their own rhythm. Find the best way to have a great day while being considerate of your child’s schedule and routine.
  • Don’t overwork your account. Organizing your baptism can cost as little or as much as you want. You shouldn’t forget how much you want to or can spend so as not to exceed your budget.

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