Not So Easy: First Parents And Their Newborn Baby

For first-time parents, the arrival of their newborn is a major challenge in many ways. Because the couple relationship often suffers at first.
Not that easy at all: first parents and their newborns

Nobody said it would be easy. But nobody really told you how difficult it can be: namely the arrival of your first baby. Of course this is a very magical moment for a couple. But if you are one of the first-born parents, you don’t know how to handle your newborn baby.

It is such a vulnerable and at the same time so demanding being! And tiredness and poor sleep can make this wonderful and magical moment a very difficult time for the couple.

First Parents: Lack of sleep and fatigue

New parents are deprived of sleep. And that is a privation that you have certainly never experienced before. Both parents are unable to recharge their energy either at night or during the day.

The constant fatigue leads to the fact that your emotional balance is shaken. In addition, the first-born parents are faced with this incredible and new responsibility: It is the biggest one they have taken on so far, namely caring for their baby. And almost without any instructions.

In addition, the mother has just gone through one of the hardest and most difficult moments of her life: the delivery or the caesarean section. Therefore, the most likely thing is that she is tired and exhausted, and also struggling with a hormonal mess in her body.

That can take her emotionally with it. And in this situation, the new father tries above all to help her and to be by her side.

In fact, there are an unbelievable number of changes that first parents can expect: habits are changing rapidly and tiredness is constantly increasing. And first of all there is a lot of screaming and crying from the newborn and it needs the constant attention of its parents.

First parents - father with baby

First Parents and the Arrival of the Newborn Baby

You know pretty well about pregnancy in general: that the side effects can be tough and difficult at times. That your body is changing and so are your feelings.

Labor and delivery are among the most painful experiences for a woman. All of this is explained to you in detail. But people forget to lose a few remarks about how much work such a baby is. Or about the fact that full recovery after childbirth or a caesarean section also takes some time and is also painful.

Likewise, nobody tells you how much the arrival of a newborn can affect the couple relationship. And that even the most harmonious couples have to overcome some hurdles in order to continue to enjoy a happy family life.

Even couples with a strong and stable emotional bond can find themselves in crisis in the face of all the things that the arrival of a newborn brings with it.

Important: cultivating the emotional bond

All of this can create an emotional distance between the parents. Without really being aware of it, they begin to play the role of parents but forget that they are also a couple.

Then it can happen that there is an emotional distance for the first time in the relationship. This can undoubtedly be tough and both sides feel confused. Sometimes they may think that this is because they don’t really love each other.

But of course in the vast majority of cases this is not true at all. It is the tiredness and lack of sleep alone that drag the first parents into these confusing feelings.

Then you may feel that this phase is not as nice as you thought. Or that your partner doesn’t know how to deal with it. But it is the fatigue that speaks. Because taking care of a newborn is really not an easy task. But right now you need each other most as a couple.

In order for your couple relationship to work, it is imperative that you learn how to communicate effectively. Because only in this way can you cultivate your emotional bond. You should always try to be empathetic with the other person. And also to stay positive, even though you are permanently overtired.

Learn to ask for help when you really need it. And be honest with your feelings. First parents should try to find moments when they can talk about what is really bothering or worrying them. In this way, you can prevent negative feelings from settling between you.

Painting of father and child

Don’t worry: it can be done!

Yes, it can be done! If you both do your part and remind yourself every day that you are a couple in addition to parents, then you can of course overcome these crises and difficult moments of the first time as parents!

Remember that caring for a newborn is really not easy. And maybe there are other family circumstances that are worrying you. But be assured: with a little willpower and a lot of unconditional love, you too will make it!

And you will notice that after a few months the discussions and arguments will decrease again. The feeling of emotional distance passes as quickly as it came.

You will realize that you have gone through a difficult period in your couple relationship. But at the same time, that you made it together! This experience will surely help you to feel even more connected and that your emotional connection will become even stronger.

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