Niece And Nephew: Children That Life Gives Us

An aunt is a particularly important person in a child’s life who will protect the little treasure like her own child. 
Niece and nephew: children that life gives us

Being an aunt is a unique and very special experience. In many women, this also arouses the desire to become mothers themselves. Because the niece and  nephew  are very special children that life gives us.

You have a very special place in your aunt’s heart. She is lucky enough to be able to be a second mother, friend and confidante. Niece and  nephew  are loved like a child by their aunts, but they are generous and sometimes allow mischief or a prank. 

The role of an aunt versus niece and nephew

Aunt with nephew

You may become an aunt before you are a mother, or afterwards. No matter how, a niece or nephew is a blessing  and has earned a very special place in the heart of her aunt.

If you are an aunt, but not yet a mother, you will immediately fall in love with the little treasure and maybe this will awaken your own feelings of motherhood. An unconditional love arises that you did not know before. 

If you are already a mother, when your niece or nephew sees the light of day, you will again enjoy the magic of protecting and caring for the small, innocent creature.

Being an aunt is far more important than you usually think.  You have the task of building a very special bond with the little earth inhabitant. You are able to efficiently help your niece or nephew in conflicts with the parents and to mediate the situation.
You also have great responsibility and the opportunity to support your sister or brother as well as your sister-in-law. You will greatly appreciate this, even if it is not always expressed.
The love and respect of a nephew or niece bring great satisfaction that can only be compared to that of a mother.
Being an aunt also means love and closeness to strengthen the relationship between siblings. The arrival of a nephew or niece  gives a family new energy and strength and strengthens cohesion. 

Important things in an aunt’s life

Aunt and niece

It is wonderful to have  a “second” child who gives us life. We will then give you various reasons why a niece or nephew is such an enriching experience for the soul and heart of an aunt:

  • Being an aunt prepares you for motherhood  if you are not a mother yourself. If you already have children of your own, your nieces and nephews will test you again! When your children are grown up, you will feel young again and you will remember your own experiences. Children, through their charisma and innocence, make you a better person.
  • Being an aunt also means being an accomplice. Your niece or nephew will tell you his secrets, tell you his problems or dreams. You have many privileges! Trust is the foundation of every family relationship. That is why it is priceless to become a person of trust for your niece or nephew.
  • An aunt is an important support in emotional development. She supports the parents and helps the child to accept himself and to feel loved. Be active and become a part of your niece or nephew’s life! Give them tools along the way so that they can learn to solve problems.
  • Aunts are there to give hugs and kisses. No matter how old your niece or nephew is, they always deserve a loving gesture!
  • Live and enjoy every moment with your niece or nephew,  time goes by quickly and soon they will grow up and lead their own lives. Have fun together and let their joy infect you. Laugh together and enjoy your adventure, you will look back on it with joy for a lifetime.
  • It’s not an aunt’s job to lay down rules. But she also has responsibilities in raising her niece or nephew. Nevertheless, she can take everything more relaxed and solve situations without arguments and discussions.

Being an aunt also means being able to admire your own siblings. Because you can see how well they do their jobs.

They have earned deep respect and gratitude  because they enable you to support your niece or nephew with love. Because an aunt should not only be present on birthdays or special celebrations, but also actively participate in the lives of the children of her siblings.

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