Nail Biting With Children – Do You Have To Worry?

Nail biting in children is widespread. It is important to take action against this behavior in good time. Otherwise, this can become a bad habit into adulthood.
Nail biting in children - do you have to worry?

The constant chewing and nibbling has various causes. Nail biting in children and adults can lead to health problems. This is especially true if it takes place over a long period of time.

We should be vigilant and step in quickly. First, we need to determine what is causing this behavior.

Nail biting in children – these are the causes

  • stress
  • anxiety
  • boredom
  • Emotional events such as the death of a loved one or an argument between parents. New siblings are also often difficult for children.

These are the consequences

Constantly biting their nails can cause various problems for children. We want to explain the most common of them:

Dental problems

  • Abnormal alignment of teeth. The dental arch can be deformed by nail biting. On the one hand, this can delay the appearance of the teeth. On the other hand, it can lead to them being deformed. Then the help of an orthodontist is needed.
  • Inflammation of the gums due to the microorganisms that are under the fingernails. Inflammatory conditions such as gum inflammation or root skin inflammation are favored in this way.
  • Nail biting can also affect food. It can be painful because the jaw has to work all the time anyway.
  • Halitosis (bad breath) is a result of poor oral hygiene or infections.

Digestive problems

  • Depending on the duration and severity of this habit, it can lead to constipation.
  • Nail biting in children can also lead to infection. The reason for this are pathogens that are normally not dangerous. However, when the immune system is not intact, they pose a threat.

Nail biting in children

Skin problems

  • Bacterial infections on the nails. These are caused by the saliva on the fingers, which then leads to inflammation in the fingers. It can be very painful.
  • Depending on the severity, nail biting can actually lead to deformation of the fingers. The nails can also be permanently damaged.
  • In the case of wounds caused by tearing or biting off the skin, a purulent inflammation can follow. This happens very quickly due to the many germs in the saliva.
  • Another problem is simply the appearance. Chewed fingernails just look neglected. Unfortunately, they can therefore have a negative impact on children’s social life.

Nail biting in children – what can you do?

For one thing, many people simply see nail biting as uncomfortable. But the consequences of this have a negative impact on a child’s self-esteem. These are swollen fingers, swollen gums, and bad breath

Why? Because other children make fun of it or reject the child. Isolation can result. In the worst cases, a child can even develop an anxiety disorder.

Usually there is no need for medication to address this problem. But because it is a kind of compulsive act, it sometimes requires the help of a psychologist. This can begin a positive type of therapy.

It is important, however, that we do not judge our children under any circumstances. We should convey the advice of experts to them in an understandable way. This takes patience and perseverance. Because it is well known that habits cannot be abandoned overnight.

Correcting their nail biting will prevent children from facing a range of problems. It even plays a role in tobacco and other drug abuse prevention.

Keep in mind that these forms of addiction are just an escape. With this, children flee from excessive tension. Or before being overwhelmed by thoughts and feelings.

Don’t ignore your child. Be mindful and alert. Think about how you will deal with him. 

A seemingly harmless habit like nail biting can be a sign. Namely, so that your child needs more attention and care.

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