My Favorite Place Is With You

My life consists of all these little moments that I experience by your side. Unforgettable, never ending and precious moments. You all have a place in my heart.
My favorite place is with you

Where is my favorite place ? With you! Since you’ve been here, there has been no place that is as peaceful and pleasant as yours. There is no taste sweeter than your kisses and no more magical sound than your laughter.

Since I’ve been your mother, my favorite place has been with you. With you I can experience happiness and much more.

My life consists of all these little moments that I experience by your side. Unforgettable, never ending and precious moments. You all have a place in my heart.

Emotions enlarge my heart and my motherhood gives me the opportunity to show my love indefinitely. Now I can experience my happiness in a completely different way.

Being a mother brings a lot of happiness and gratitude to my life. It’s a feeling that I can’t possibly put into words. But most of the readers know for sure what I am talking about.

The magic recipe couldn’t be easier: to have those people we love by our side. 

Happiness is knowing who and what is important in our life. To know that my favorite place is with my children.

Happiness also consists of caresses and the satisfaction of being at peace with oneself.

A person’s happiness is not achieved through rare, large streaks of luck, but through the little everyday things.

– Benjamin Franklin –

Happiness is a possibility, not a goal

In your daily life you have probably heard from friends or colleagues quite often that they are no longer interested.

They say that their children are so demanding of them and difficult. They complain that they no longer have time to relax and that they cannot find a moment of calm.

If you find yourself in this situation, remind yourself of the following thoughts:

You can choose whether you want to complain or not. You can complain about not being able to sleep or that your baby is not like others and still needs diapers.

But you can also choose to be happy. Your happiness is already there, you just have to focus on improving things rather than criticizing. Guess what you got!

Of course, being a parent is not always easy, but you made the decision to be a mother. Sometimes it is exhausting. But happiness consists in the little things that make you smile in everyday life.

You are my favorite place, my everything

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People occupy positions in the life of others and I am not referring to physical positions, but emotional ones.

To better understand this concept, let’s take an example. You may have a family member that you don’t have a good relationship with. It can be a cousin, an uncle or a sibling.

If this relationship has been painful or traumatic, that person is assuming a negative emotional position in your life. You may even have decided to brush them off your heart.

Nevertheless  , those who care for, enrich, love and value us undoubtedly have a huge place in our hearts and minds.

Thank you for taking in my whole being

Something else happens to children, however. They come into this world and take your heart right away. Almost without knowing it, they  occupy every little piece of your heart and your thoughts. 

Day by day its importance for you grows. This is a unique experience.

Other people, like your partner or friends, have to work out these positions bit by bit. With good deeds and magical connections that are so rare in life.

However, your children take in every inch of themselves just by existence.

You are my happiness and always will be

my dearest place - mein_liebster_OrtHappiness is a matter of attitude. Understand that you don’t need big things in life to be happy.

All you need is harmony, calm and the connection with the people around you. 

To be happy you have to learn how to be tolerant and how to deal with disappointments, worries and the daily challenges of life.

Happy families face difficulties together. When they achieve their goal, they experience happiness. 

It is important that you be grateful for disappointments as well, because they will help you learn. You have come a long way as you can build on your experiences. Negative experiences are also necessary.

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