My Child Cries Over Every Little Thing!

Crying is one of the most important forms of expression for babies and toddlers. When your child is crying, it is usually the only way to get your attention when they need it. 
My child cries over every little thing!

My child cries over every little thing – why only? There is a time when many parents ask this question .  Often the child cries for no reason at all.

A number of ideas and tips are presented below.

Every child has a developmental phase in which crying plays a central role.

The child cries over every little thing –  these are the main reasons

Babies and toddlers often complain and cry, especially when they are hungry and sleepy, because they are particularly sensitive to these stimuli.

But there are other causes, such as:

  • When the child realizes that they only get attention when they cry.
  • When crying becomes the perfect way to get what it wants, anytime. Parents tend to give in when tears pop up and end up giving the child what they want.
  • When the child is physically uncomfortable. A regular change of position of the baby is important to avoid unpleasant skin irritation and to simplify the body care and hygiene of the baby.
  • Pain. At this point the baby is in a phase of constant physical development, during which it will feel pain again and again. Babies in particular have a tendency to cry when they experience gastrointestinal pain, whether it be from gas, constipation, or colic.
  • Lonliness. Although the child is physically well, he may require more attention, affection and security from his fellow human beings, especially from his parents.

Crying over every little thing and needs attention and care

Tips on what to do if your child is crying about every little thing

In the beginning, it is perfectly normal not to know what to do when your child is crying about every little thing.

Here is a list of tips you can follow to make these moments easier for you to manage.

  • Try to identify the reason for the crying by relating the different situations your child is crying and the circumstances.
  • If you can’t take care of your child right now, let your child know that you have noticed, that they need you right now, and make an effort to be with them as soon as possible.
  • If your child is learning to speak, teach them to say what happened. 
  • React differently to your child’s crying:  with loving gestures, kisses, hugs or motivational sentences.

    The child cries over every little thing in the imitation phase

    At some point in their development every child goes through a phase in which they are good at imitating others.

    This ability usually occurs very early, as early as infancy, and lasts until the child is 2 or 3 years old.

    During this time, children often have a tendency to imitate others when they cry or laugh. This can be described as a kind of contagion effect, but it subsides as the development progresses.

    This unpredictable behavior is perfectly normal for this age group. So you don’t need to worry. This phase will pass as your child develops.

     The child cries over every little thing at the beginning of school

    However, if the habit of crying  over every little thing  lasts longer, well into school, then you should pay more attention to it. 

    During these phases, your child may cry for a variety of reasons: a problem at school, an argument with a sibling or friend, or just something they don’t like.

    In this case, you should be patient and know what situation your child is currently in.

    In other words, it is important that you deal with the situation that is making your child cry.

    Child cries over every little thing the situations

    Your child cries about every little thing and oversensitivity

    The last and most extreme is hypersensitivity. Hypersensitive children tend to be very attentive, so much so that they respond to the smallest of stimuli. 

    Therefore, they develop a great imagination and creativity.

    The most effective advice to helping children with these traits is to allow them to express their inner feelings.

    The most important thing for these children is that they can show their feelings to the world. To help them do this, we need to clear the way for them.

    The phase when a child cries over every little thing is usually really temporary. During this time, the parents become the pillars to avoid unpleasant situations for the family and especially for the child.

    The behavior of parents when dealing with a crying child is crucial. It is important to choose the right behavior to help the child overcome it at this stage.

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