Mother’s Love Is The Best Medicine

In general, we mostly remember the person who was there for us, not the illness or pain. In retrospect, it is therefore a beautiful memory of love and care, despite suffering.
Mother's love is the best medicine

When a child is sick, one of the most important factors in their recovery will be the care, attention, and devotion we can offer them. In other words, motherly love is the best medicine for a young child.

You will surely remember the times in your childhood when you were sick. How did your mother do it back then?

In general, we mostly remember the person who was there for us, not the illness or the pain. In retrospect, it is therefore a beautiful memory of love and care, despite suffering  .

Mother’s love is the best medicine

Emotions and feelings accompany us in all situations. Since our immaterial world is even more complex than the physical one, we often need strategies to achieve what is important to us.

Love and affection give us stability and wellbeing. This is why this statement is always true:  Mother’s love is the best medicine!

We all need attention and are both physically and mentally comfortable when we receive it. This need is particularly pronounced in children.

giving consolation

When a child falls and is hurt, the first thing they do is burst into tears and cry out for comfort and help. You automatically take it in your arms and try to help it.

So in this way we give priority to the physical aspect (a wound, a bump, etc.). As soon as we think the situation is “under control”, we unconsciously try to comfort the child by giving him our love. So it can come to rest again.

This reflects one of the most fundamental aspects of human beings: protecting the child in order to preserve the species.

Mother’s love is the best medicine because it:

  1. Relieves pain, both physical and mental.
  2. Provides rest and helps mitigate the effects of being frightened.
  3. Protection conveyed.
  4. Has a calming effect.
  5. Society there.

What can you do as a mother?

It is important not to show fear or panic. In some situations, it can be really difficult to stay calm when a child is injured.

But what we really need to do is act quickly. We just have to be there to protect them and give them the support they need.

A calming word or phrase conveys the calm the child needs. Our tone of voice should be as calm as possible.

In this way we can create an atmosphere of calm and protection. Another important element is to give them the caresses they need to maintain that calm.

Mother's love is the best medicine

What to Avoid

Unfortunately, many parents lose control and become overwhelmed by fear. They cover their mouths, have fear written all over their faces and scream and cry.

This is far from calming and helping the child. Instead, what they accomplish is to nurture their child’s feelings of vulnerability, pain, and utter insecurity.

The extremes of panic and utter indifference are things that we should avoid in the interests of our little ones. Indifference does not allow the child to explore their pain. It won’t feel loved and protected at all.

Many parents choose to adopt a cold, detached, and indifferent attitude when their children (especially the youngest) burst into tears.

They believe that this will make them stronger. They think it promotes their independence. But in reality it is just the opposite.

Maintain a positive attitude

Pain gains its own reality from the parents’ perception and expression. It is very important to have a positive attitude in situations of pain, accident or similar occurrence.

In this way we can teach our children the ability to face these situations in the least traumatic way. This is how we avoid harmful consequences in the future.

Other types of healing

Various research has shown that love and affection in patients generally produce very positive results. A group of hospital patients aged between 12 months and 12 years participated in a fascinating study.

The results showed that the loving care helped them improve their health by more than 45%.

In fact, the great success of the so-called “clinic clowns” is how wonderfully they are welcomed by young children. Not to mention the positive results achieved thanks to their efforts.

By improving patients’ moods, hospital clowns help facilitate the recovery process.

Mother's love is the best medicine, but a hospital clown also helps

Doctor Yaso is a Venezuelan non-profit organization whose aim is to alleviate the suffering of children in hospital, regardless of their condition.

Initiatives like Doctor Yaso’s, enable children to feel better in the hospital as they make them laugh and have fun.

Her goal is to give children affection, attention, and time to aid their healing. 

When parents and / or relatives need a break from caring for their child, a hospital clown is your best bet.

Of course, it is not necessary for the child to be hospitalized to receive this type of attention. In fact, many clown groups offer entertainment sessions at home.

It just takes love and affection

Love and affection are the magical ingredients that promote a child’s wellbeing. And time finally heals all wounds.

A gesture, a sentence, a look, a caress, a kiss or a hug are pure medicine. The key is knowing how to balance both aspects.

The best healing is humane, close, loving, and caring treatment, whether from the father or other relatives or friends. Nevertheless, one thing is clear to us: Mother’s love is the best medicine.

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