Mothers Also Cry: Out Of Fear, Stress Or Fatigue

There are days when the “super mother” reaches her limit, collapses and secretly cries. Because she can no longer, because the tiredness is so extreme that she puts her glowing armor aside to show the woman who needs a moment to be alone. Because mothers cry too.
Mothers cry too: from fear, stress or fatigue

If this has happened to you before, don’t worry. You don’t have to think right away that you have depression. The stress of raising one or more children is sometimes combined with other factors and puts us in extreme situations. In these situations it is necessary to take a break, let everything out and let our thoughts and feelings in: mothers cry too.

Although we speak of “mothers”, we understand that fathers can experience the same situation. Indeed, while you may not believe it, these important moments have their uses and benefits. We all strive to be the best mother – or the best father – who is in control and always doing our best.

It is not easy to live up to this standard every day. When we reach our limits, we realize that while our children are our priority, we also need to look after ourselves. Because you won’t be a bad mother if you give yourself half an hour of rest. Nobody, absolutely nobody, has the right to criticize you for taking care of yourself and pampering yourself.

Because only then will you give your children the best. We invite you to think about and understand why mothers cry.

Physical and Emotional Exhaustion – Why Mothers Cry

Feeling tired doesn’t mean we have had enough of our children. If you say “I can’t anymore” it is not a criticism or a weakness. Sometimes the remorse we get when we feel this way is much worse than the actual physical and mental exhaustion. Hence, it is necessary that we understand and rationalize some basic aspects.

Mütter weinen - Überforderte Mutter

“Multitasking” by mom or dad

Children do not raise themselves. They almost always need us 150%. And because this is not enough, in addition to the upbringing, education and attention for our children, there is also the responsibility for a home and a job.

Multitasking is one of our daily enemies. We can hold out for a month, two, or five. But the moment will come when our mind and body will no longer be able to maintain this level.

When this inner voice tells us “I have to do anything”, but our brains and our minds respond with “I can no longer”, the stress begins to manifest itself:

  • Fatigue leads to pain. Our limbs and bones hurt and we feel pressure in our chest.
  • The heart rate accelerates, we suffer from poor digestion, diarrhea, constipation …
  • If we have exceeded our limit sto ß is en it happens that we express this through a “Shut up,” or “Leave me alone” … words that we slip out, without thinking of our children and we very to regret.

The pressure of expectation

The pressures of expectation are placed on us by society, families, and even ourselves. We want to be “super mothers” who are up to date on parenting, do their best for their children, and want to have happy, intelligent and responsible children …

Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. It is enough to raise happy and healthy children who grow up with happy mothers and fathers. You should have a good self-esteem, and the small daily moments genie ß can s. This is something that stress would never allow.

Mothers cry - grandma comforts momWe should make some changes. We will explain these to you next.

It is necessary to cry and take care of ourselves

The first thing you need to understand is that it is not necessary or advisable to be “the perfect mother or father”. The important thing is to be there for them in the moments when our children need us.

  • When it comes to raising and caring for a child, every day will be different and ask for new things from you. Take it easy on the day and don’t worry unnecessarily about possible dangers. Live with your children in the present, the here and now.
  • It’s okay if you cry or if your kids see you cry. Tell them that “Mom needs a moment”, that we all have to cry from time to time and then “be stronger”. Emotional relief is good.
  • Don’t carry around all of your responsibilities, fears, compulsions, and doubts. Talk to your partner, your family, and ask your pediatrician if you have any questions or concerns.
  • You have the right to enjoy your moments of leisure, relaxation and privacy. You are not a “bad mother” if you want to be alone for an hour or two a day.
  • Find support from your friends and from other mothers. You will share your experiences and you will find that you are not the only one who secretly cries, feels exhausted and has doubts. Because mothers cry too.

Mothers cry - meet mothersIt is a normal process that also invites us to become aware of ourselves. Enjoy this adventure of being a mother, but never neglect yourself: you are the most important thing for your children.

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