Motherhood Makes You Stronger

In a recent study of motherhood, a team of Asian researchers discovered that the cells of the baby developing in the womb reach the mother’s brain and regenerate it. Motherhood makes you stronger! Find out more about this topic today. 
Motherhood makes you stronger

In a recent study of motherhood, a team of Asian researchers discovered that the cells of the baby developing in the womb reach the mother’s brain and regenerate it. Motherhood makes you stronger ! Find out more about this topic today.

Expectant mothers’ brains literally change during pregnancy. New studies show that gray matter in pregnant women is reduced in areas related to empathy.

However, the mother’s neural connections improve certain functions in order to better recognize the child’s state of mind or to identify possible dangers more quickly. Many changes are not consciously perceived, but persist for up to two years after the birth.

Why does motherhood make you stronger?

Your sensory perception is stronger

The senses are sharpened because the mother is more attentive and can better identify the needs of her child. This can be attributed to the hormone prolactin. The same thing happens with hearing: mothers often recognize their baby’s crying between different screams.

In addition, the ability to see increases in order to protect the child from potential dangers. Nevertheless, the most important sense remains the sense of touch. The areas of the cerebral cortex responsible for this change during motherhood.

In the event of skin contact with her child, the mother receives important information. She knows how her baby is doing, how he feels, and what her relationship with him is like. This affects the brain.

Motherhood makes you stronger


Mothers face a multitude of new tasks when they are born. And all at the same time. To ensure the baby’s survival, the mother must prioritize. This leads to a higher performance.

It is nothing special for mothers to cook and talk on the phone at the same time. The baby’s sleep is used to quickly turn on the washing machine, make the beds, tidy up and sweep the kitchen.

Resistance: reduce stress

During childbirth and especially during breastfeeding, the hormones oxytocin and prolactin are excreted. These help reduce stress.

The neurons responsible for producing oxytocin are literally restructured during childbirth and while breastfeeding.

Motherhood protects against cancer

Pregnancy and breastfeeding help the mother lower the risk of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and uterine cancer. During pregnancy, periods stop, which changes the balance of the hormones estrogen and progesterone and protects against cancer.

You are stronger

Thanks to the hormone prolactin, which acts as a neurotransmitter in the brain, mothers are bolder. In breastfeeding mothers, the prolactin level is up to eight times higher, making mothers stronger.

They are ready to fight for their children to give them their best and prevent social injustices.

Motherhood makes you stronger

An indestructible connection to your child

Even before birth, there is a strong bond between the expectant mother and the growing child.

You carry it in your stomach for nine months. During this time, your baby will hear your voice and your heartbeat. Birth creates a very special hormonal synchronization. This is so strong that a baby, guided by instinct, can crawl to the mother’s chest to drink.

The connection between mother and child is unique.

Greater emotional intelligence

The woman’s brain is in a plastic moment. This means that the neural growth during motherhood is extremely large. Through new neural connections, the mother can better perceive, understand and influence her own and other people’s feelings.


As a mother, you have to trust your own abilities. Because you are your child’s most important caregiver and their best role model.

It will imitate you in everything: your eating habits, your activities (sports, walking …), your habits.

It is quite normal that a mother cannot always remember everything. Because most things are unimportant or superfluous compared to the importance of caring for your baby. The mother’s greatest goal is to raise her little one healthy and happy and prepare them for the future.

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