Lamaze Technique For A Painless Birth

The Lamaze technique aims to give the mother as painless a delivery as possible.
Lamaze technique for a painless birth

The Lamaze technique originated from a philosophy of the 50s. It is designed to prepare mothers for childbirth and reduce the pain involved.

It owes its name to the French obstetrician Ferdinand Lamaze. He claimed that giving birth is a normal and natural physical process.

Women need to prepare to be confident and fearless when the day comes. 

The Lamaze technique is also known as psychological birth preparation and is based on breathing techniques that promise a painless delivery.

The goal of the Lamaze technique is to  teach women control over their breathing. This is achieved through relaxation exercises, tactile stimulation through massages, as well as visual and auditory stimulation.

These exercises are done to reduce stress and help reduce the perception of pain during labor.

Preparations for the Lamaze technique are made during pregnancy. The father also plays an important role in this.

He should support his wife psychologically and with massages. In this way he can also actively participate in the birth.

Lamaze technique - Lamaze technique-2In search of an easier birth, the doctor orders a series of exercises. These reduce anxiety and help control pain through positive stimulation.

All of these exercises are designed to make childbirth as natural, healthy, and safe as possible. 

Everything you need to know about the Lamaze technique

Breathing techniques

The Lamaze Technique uses many simple learning patterns that you can practice from the beginning of your pregnancy through to delivery. Here are some of them and how to do them:

Breathing cleanly

This means inhaling deeply and slowly through your nose and slowly exhaling through your mouth. This breathing technique should be used at the beginning and end of each contraction.

Breathing slowly

A useful relaxation exercise. Try to breathe naturally and slowly, as if you were sleeping.

Instead of taking deep breaths to fill your lungs, try to breathe a little more superficially by lifting your chest with just a little effort.

Conscientious breathing

This is another slow and gentle breathing technique. First of all, you have to be relaxed for that. Don’t force yourself out of your comfort zone.

Start with clean breathing, then breathe in gently through your nose and slowly out through your mouth.

To learn this technique, you can hold a candle or piece of paper a few inches in front of your face. Inhale and exhale gently until the candle flame or paper moves.

Exemplary breathing

Mothers are taught this breathing technique in the following way: first, say “hee hee” while breathing in and then say “hoo” when breathing out.

The key to this exercise is to keep a comfortable rhythm with small, gentle breaths between each exhale.

It is best to inhale for five seconds and then exhale for five seconds. Two short breaths and then one deeper.

Relax your shoulders and focus on the sound and breathing, not the pain.

Although this method aims to have a conscientious pain-free delivery, it does not mean that it is against the use of epidural anesthesia.

Is a painless delivery possible?

Lamaze Technique - Lamaze TechniqueThere is a lot of talk these days about painless delivery. Some experts make it clear that this does not exist as such.

Nevertheless, there are various techniques to manage the pain and keep it within limits. 

According to Nene Molina, a teacher of pregnancy yoga, “there will be pain. These don’t go away, but you can learn to control them through breathing and relaxation. 

The Lamaze Technique and Pregnancy Yoga teach you breathing exercises, which in turn will help you control your pain. In other words: your perception of pain is reduced. “

Maria Eugenia Rios a Lamaze technique teacher says that  the mother must be aware that every woman is endowed with the possibility of childbirth. 

It is devoted to teaching pregnant women how to breathe properly and how to change position for more relaxation.

This will help you through the pain of childbirth.

The Lamaze technique is intended to give women an awareness of their bodies during childbirth. 

This allows them to go with their contractions and be one. This not only has advantages for the mother, but also for her baby.

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