Irregular Menstruation After Giving Birth?

In this article, we’ll tell you everything about irregular menstruation after giving birth. In any case, you should feel well informed and not be surprised by anything unprepared.
Irregular menstruation after giving birth?

After birth, the body needs time to recover and return to its original state. An irregular menstruation , which levels out only gradually again, so is normal.

The physical changes and thus also the duration from birth to the first period afterwards vary from woman to woman. This is completely normal and nothing to worry about.

What should the first cycle be like after giving birth?

It can take 5 to 6 months for your first period to start after giving birth. In some cases it can take up to a year.

This delay results from the many physical changes that pregnancy brings. Even after the birth, the body has to find its place again.

So it is possible that

  • your first period is more painful and heavier than it was before you became pregnant.
  • it is accompanied by the premenstrual symptom. This means, for example, that you may feel dizzy or have nausea.
  • you have weekly flow. This is a type of bleeding made up of mucus and tissue that formed in the uterus during pregnancy.

As for the amount of blood , the first 2 to 3 periods can be significantly stronger before your menstrual flow returns to normal.

In some cases, gynecological problems can arise during or after childbirth. These include cysts on the ovaries or endometriosis.

Irregular menstruation while breastfeeding

A woman’s menstruation varies from person to person. To a large extent, it depends on the hormonal balance and physical stature. Whether a woman is breastfeeding also plays a role.

Breastfeeding increases the production of prolactin in the body. Prolactin is the hormone that regulates your period.

Women who are breastfeeding typically wait longer for their first period after giving birth. For them this can take up to 5 months.

In contrast, women who do not breastfeed often have their periods again after 2 months.

irregular menstruation after childbirth

You may not get your period while you are breastfeeding, but that too varies from woman to woman. The circumstances are different with every mother. Some experience an irregular period of menstruation while others level off more quickly.

Many women do not have symptoms that accompany their first period after giving birth. Others, on the other hand, struggle with dizziness, nausea, and swollen joints.

These differences are related to the production of breast milk, which in turn regulates prolactin levels.

Irregular menstruation after giving birth – can I still get pregnant?

The answer is yes. Because even with irregular menstruation, you will ovulate. As a result, it is also possible to get pregnant.

After the birth, the first egg can be rejected without you noticing. This can happen as early as 2 weeks after the birth.

The probability of conception is initially low after a pregnancy. But small does not mean zero.

The so-called  lactation menorrhea method  is only 98% safe if all rules are strictly followed up to 6 months after the birth.

You should keep in mind that irregular menstruation can return to normal after about 6 months after giving birth.

8 practical suggestions for normalizing your period after childbirth:

The cycle will automatically normalize after a few months. But there are some things that you can do or not do supportively.

  1. Your diet should be balanced and rich in nutrients and minerals.
  2. Be active and move around a lot, but with moderate intensity.
  3. You should drink a lot during the day. Water and fruit juices or, even better, diluted juice spritzers are ideal. 
  4. Stay away from alcohol.
  5. If possible, take breaks to rest. 
  6. Smoking should be avoided.
  7. You should avoid stress as much as possible. 
  8. And fast food is not a good option either.

irregular menstruation after childbirth

Don’t worry too much about your period. Look ahead and enjoy motherhood. Then your cycle normalizes faster than you think.

The most important information for you is that the first period after giving birth is a signal from your body. This will bring him back to the regular menstrual cycle.

This happens regardless of the fact that the ovaries have made an important change.

It may take a few months for your period to return to the way it was before you gave birth.

However, if you experience other problems, such as persistent heavy blood flow, you should contact your gynecologist. He knows best how to deal with it.

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