Influenza During Pregnancy: What To Do?

Pregnant women need to take special care of themselves and their little roommate. Find out what to do about the flu here.
Flu During Pregnancy: What To Do?

Simple problems like the flu during pregnancy can be a headache for the mother-to-be. She feels weak and suffers from the typical symptoms, but is afraid that medication will harm her baby.

If you experience more severe symptoms, you definitely need to see a doctor. Only he can recommend what to do in this situation. Influenza is  a disease that is not a major threat, but it can still be very uncomfortable.

During pregnancy, women are more prone to respiratory diseases because  their immune systems are often weakened. The baby grows and needs more and more space. Therefore, it can also press on the lungs, which can also lead to breathing difficulties.

These factors increase the risk of getting cold or flu during pregnancy.

How can you avoid the flu during pregnancy?

Flu during pregnancy

There are different viruses that can cause flu.  Influenza, or the “real flu”, is caused by the influenza virus, and there are three different types (A, B and C).

In order to prevent complications such as lung damage or pneumonia, it is important to be treated by a specialist in good time.

In general, influenza does not affect the health of the fetus, but specialists point out that it could lead to premature birth. The baby’s weight could also be affected.

You can mainly get vaccinated,  this can also be done during pregnancy.

In addition, the following tips will help prevent flu during pregnancy:

  • Always drink plenty of fluids: choose fresh water or natural juices. These drinks help cleanse your body and increase the vitamin and mineral content.
  • Relax as often as possible! Avoid stress, as it will make you more susceptible to illness.
  • Eat a balanced diet with tasty vegetables, fruits, and high-fiber foods so that your immune system can do a good job.
  • Don’t stay home all day. Go for a walk or do sports, exercise is also important during pregnancy! However, you have to adapt the sporting activities to your possibilities.
  • Cut down on coffee consumption and get rid of bad habits like smoking. 

Home remedies to treat flu

Mild fever, nasal congestion, cough, sore throat, chills, loss of appetite, and headache are some of the symptoms that this disease brings with it. Let yourself be pampered and cared for! Of course, you also need to follow your doctor’s recommendations.

In addition, you can use these home remedies for the flu:

  • A hot drink with lemon and honey is very effective for a sore throat. Gargling with salt water is also a good idea.
  • If you have a stuffy nose, you can put a few drops of eucalyptus oil  on a cloth and inhale the scent.
  • You can also prepare a facial steam bath or take a warm shower to use the steam to clear the airways.

When should you go to the doctor?

Flu during pregnancy

If these symptoms don’t go away after a few days, don’t hesitate to speak to your trusted doctor.  You may have a secondary infection that requires special treatment.

Trust your doctor’s recommendations and let your family take care of the housework. Take a rest and get well so that you stay strong during the beautiful period of pregnancy … You are the heroine of your child, they need you!

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