How To Recognize Appendicitis In Children

In appendicitis, strictly speaking, only the appendix is ​​inflamed. This is an appendage of the appendix. This is usually caused by hardened excrement, a kink, intestinal worms or foreign bodies. Inflammatory bowel disease can also lead to it. 
How to recognize appendicitis in children

Knowing how to detect appendicitis in children is very important to prevent complications, some of which can be serious.

The symptoms are not always clear, as there is often loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting. But these signs can easily be mistaken for a common indigestion. Similar complaints also occur with gastrointestinal diseases, food poisoning or a respiratory disease. This is why it is not easy to identify appendicitis in children 

Only 33% of the affected children show the symptoms described. Therefore, it is necessary to be careful and observe possible signs before complications arise.

What is appendicitis?

In the case of appendicitis, strictly speaking, only the appendix is ​​inflamed.  This is an appendage of the appendix. This is usually caused by hardened excrement, a kink, intestinal worms or foreign bodies. Inflammatory bowel disease can also lead to it.

If there is a breakthrough, things get serious. This allows bacteria to enter the abdominal cavity, which can lead to a serious infection.

recognize appendicitis in children

Immediate treatment is necessary because  peritonitis can be fatal!

How to recognize appendicitis in children

The onset of symptoms in children is often gradual, although the pain need not be constant. They can come and go and intensify after a few days. In a child, therefore, you cannot rely on severe pain as a sure sign of appendicitis. 

Therefore, very often appendicitis in children is diagnosed late, which increases the risk of complications.

Stomach pain can occur in children. Pain in the belly button area often extends to the lower right abdominal area after a few hours  .  If the child experiences cramping pain in the lower right abdominal area or tenderness to touch, this definitely needs to be examined.

In the event of severe pain or cramps, the child must be taken to the emergency room! 

Sometimes children also complain of pain in their right leg when they have appendicitis. This is a pain reflex.

Warning signals

The following signs must also be observed:

  • Stomach pain: pain in the stomach is accompanied by vomiting. The stool may also contain blood.
  • Vomiting green fluid: This fluid can be bile. In this case  , the child must be taken to the emergency room immediately!
  • A swollen abdomen can be caused by appendicitis, but it can also be caused by other diseases.
  • Pain when palpating the abdomen:  If the child experiences pressure on the abdomen as extremely painful, this could also be a sign of an inflamed appendix.
  • Fetal position:  If there is severe abdominal pain, a child will often curl up and assume the fetal position.
  • Affected children often have  difficulty walking upright  because the abdominal pain is very intense.

    recognize appendicitis in children

    Treatment of appendicitis

    The appendix is ​​removed under general anesthesia during a surgical procedure.  To prevent a ruptured appendix, the operation must be performed as soon as possible. The child should therefore be taken quickly to the doctor who can make the diagnosis.

    Most children recover quickly from the operation and can go home in just a few days. However, if a ruptured appendix does occur, the situation is far more serious. As already mentioned, peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum) can be life-threatening!

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