How To Prepare Your Child For A Sibling

How you get this message across depends on the age and maturity of the child. In any case, it is good news to announce that your child will have a sibling.
How to prepare your child for a sibling

When your child has a sibling, you are in a very special position as parents.

You are not only facing a new pregnancy and many changes. You also have the task of bringing the good news to your big brother or sister.

You have to try not to trigger jealousy in your child with your news.

Therefore, it is good to deal with this situation from the beginning, even before jealousy can occur.

Here are some strategies that can help you prepare your child for a sibling .

Now when you have made that decision, remember that young children have no real perspective of time. You are unable to perceive the intervals between days, weeks, or months.

So if they have to wait longer they may lose interest or believe that their current situation will not change.

There are many ways to prepare a child for a sibling. Of course, this also depends on the age and maturity of the child.

If your firstborn is at least 4 years old, then it is best to wait three months to hear the news, until the risk of miscarriage is reduced.

But if your firstborn is younger than 4 years old, you’d better wait a little longer; either until the last trimester or until the size of your belly becomes apparent.

From the age of eight, children are more mature and have a better understanding of things. Then you can deliver the message in a completely different way.

Your child will surely look forward to the baby’s arrival and feel included after you have told him the news.

Child is waiting for sibling

A new sibling and a new world

As soon as your child knows that they will have a sibling, you should help them attend the event.

For example, you can show him the ultrasound scans and tell him stories about what’s going on in your body right now.

So you can dream about it together and think about what the baby is doing. Let your child gently pat your stomach and let them feel a connection with their sibling from an early age.

Use these moments to remind your child how much you love them, how happy you are, and how happy the baby will be to have such a wonderful older sibling.

How you get these messages across will determine what happens afterwards. So it’s important to get the news across naturally.

If your child is over 4 years old, they may have already expressed a desire to have a sibling.

Ideally, the parents pass the messages together because having a child is a family affair.

At a moment when everyone is happy, bring the news, to associate the baby’s arrival with something positive. Start the conversation naturally so that your child doesn’t get restless.

Aside from having a natural conversation, one of the most useful tips is to bring the news with great joy.

Remember that having a sibling is a miracle and something beautiful and positive, because in the future both children will be able to play together and give each other lifelong support.

Pass this idea on to your oldest child so that they will see the arrival of a new baby in the family as the beginning of a precious friendship. In the future will there are tons of fun adventures for both children.

Child holds sibling

A happy and realistic announcement

You can prepare your child for their sibling by reading stories to them. These should be about children who are also waiting for a sibling. This can help the oldest child better understand their own feelings.

Explain to him the changes that are taking place in your family’s life from an always optimistic, yet realistic perspective.

For example, your oldest child should know that just like their own birth, their younger sibling will need a lot of care and attention because babies cannot do anything on their own.

If you leave out any details that they may not like, they will be in for an unpleasant surprise and will not know how to deal with them later.

Many parents are concerned that their children will ask embarrassing questions. Don’t be afraid of where babies come from. On the contrary: make sure you don’t miss this opportunity so that all your child’s doubts can be cleared up.

Don’t make up stories about storks and the like. Instead, talk to your child clearly and realistically about it, because the truth is still the best way to go.

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