How To Control Children’s Social Networks?

Today’s time is characterized by permanent technological activities on a digital level. And social networks clearly pose a risk for the youngest in the family. Therefore, the question arises: Are parents allowed to control their children’s social networks in order to prevent these risks?
How to control children's social networks?

Social networks have become a global social phenomenon. And they have changed the way we communicate and even live. But this topic can be a major headache for parents in particular.

Of course, it is completely understandable that children and young people feel the need to be part of the virtual community to which their friends also belong. It is also common for parents to allow this. But it is imperative that parents have a certain amount of control. This applies to the use of technologies in general. And for social networks in particular. Because these certainly harbor certain risks for the youngest in the family.

One thing is clear: this is not always an easy task. Therefore it can lead to conflicts between parents and children. Most teenagers disagree with their parents controlling them. Neither in relation to social networks nor other messages.

So the question arises: How can parents control their children’s online activities? And are they even allowed to do so without their consent? In this article we will address these questions and give some thought to possible ways in which parents may control social networks and messages from their children.

How can parents control their children’s social networks?

Parents’ interference in their teenage children’s social networks and messages will always be a source of conflict. Parents sometimes try to assert themselves and in extreme cases also to forbid its use. However, young people will easily find a way to circumvent these rules and prohibitions. They end up opening a secret account or changing their privacy settings.

Someone is holding a smartphone

On the other hand , of course, social networks do not only have negative aspects. Because they are, for example, a good opportunity for children to learn to relate to others and to make friends.

It is best to gently control the activity of adolescent children on social networks. But without limiting them. However, it is necessary to lay down certain rules. Because it is important that parents know where their children are in the digital world.

In addition, a lot also depends on the age of the child. When children start using social networks, parents should set specific times and rules to do so. It is also important to give them advice and explain a few things about the existing dangers. In addition, it is very useful, for example, if the parents are also one of the child’s contacts on social networks.

The ideal is to find a healthy balance: the children should have enough trust in their parents. Because this is how they will talk to their parents about their activities and experiences in the digital world. On the other hand, over time they should also be able to take responsibility for their own use of social networks. For their part, parents should also respect the privacy of their children and clearly state the rules and adapt them over time.

Gradually grant children more autonomy

In principle, it makes sense to assume that the rights of the child must also be guaranteed. Depending on the country, there are different legal situations with regard to the minimum age and parental control of children’s privacy. But all parents will certainly agree in principle: Children also have a right to develop a private life and to enjoy it. This also includes communication without arbitrary or illegal interference. Parents should respect that.

Learning how to properly deal with these new media is an ongoing process. Gradually, the children can then be granted more autonomy. But the underlying theme actually goes even further: Because it is about the importance of education in the field of media. And about the inclusion of digital technologies in the everyday life of children and young people.

Young people and social networks

It is clear that it is almost impossible to ban the use of social networks by young people. Nor can it be completely controlled. Because they will always find ways and strategies to circumvent these controls or bans. Therefore, the real concern should be: to promote the skills of parents and also of adults in general in this area. Because they should have a mediator role when it comes to social networks.

Can parents check their children’s social networks without their consent?

During puberty, most young people tend to distance themselves from their parents and seek refuge in their circles of friends. This can sometimes be a concern for parents. For example, parents may suspect that their children are having some kind of problem.

In such a case, parents, as legal guardians and those responsible for the child’s well-being, have the right to use strategies to learn more about their offspring’s private life. Because it’s about knowing what’s going on and being able to intervene if necessary.

Whenever it is done with the best interests of the child in mind, this control by the parents is legally justified. This usually also includes checking social networks, WhatsApp messages, etc. You can find out more about the exact legal situation in your respective country. Because there are different regulations, for example with regard to age and other factors.

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