How Often Should You Feel Child Movements Per Day?

In the first few weeks of pregnancy, the future mother will only notice slight child movements. But little by little your baby gets bigger and stronger and can surprise you with really strong kicks.
How many times a day should you feel child movements?

In this article, we’ll tell you how many times a day you should feel the child’s movements.

Feeling the baby move inside us for the first time when we are pregnant is one of the most wonderful experiences a woman can have. It is also an indication of the future child’s health. For this reason, many mothers wonder with what regularity  child movements are appropriate.

How often child movements can be felt during the day is an important characteristic for gynecologists. It’s not about lying in wait all day, but this control can give us information about the baby’s condition.

Feel the baby: The movements develop as the pregnancy progresses

At the beginning of pregnancy, the future mother does not feel anything yet. During the first few weeks, it is normal to feel the occasional movement and light contact that some mothers describe as butterflies in their tummy.

These signs will increase by mid-pregnancy. In the last few months before the birth, the baby moves several times an hour. It depends a lot on the time of day and the baby’s behavior.

There will be periods when the baby is more active and other times when the baby is sleeping or resting. It is therefore very normal for the mother not to notice the child’s movements at certain times of the day.

Certain foods can also influence children's movements.  Chocolate, for example, makes the baby mobile and the mother can feel it.

Keep a diary of the child’s movements

At the moment it is recommended that mothers count the number of movements their baby makes in the womb. In this way they know if everything is in order and learn to recognize the patterns of these child movements.

It’s not about meticulously recording every movement in the calendar. But it is advisable to determine the amount of time the child allows between one movement and the next.

Every baby has its own characteristics. The time of day also affects the child’s movements. In general, babies are most active between nine in the evening and one in the morning.

Why should we control child movements?

Basically, it is important that the doctor knows the regularity of the child’s movements. This is very valuable information, especially in the last few weeks of pregnancy. If the baby does not move for an entire day, this is cause for concern.

When babies grow up and the pregnancy is drawing to a close, the umbilical cord can cause them to choke. Sometimes they stop moving in order to guarantee their survival. In these cases, doctors usually recommend an emergency caesarean section.

It is advisable that future mothers know and develop a sense of how often their child moves each day. A noticeable change can indicate problems.

Regular control of the child's movements is particularly important in the last trimester of pregnancy.  The mother makes sure that she can feel the baby.

Some tips to help control the baby’s movements

The registration of the child’s movements must be carried out correctly. The movements should be recorded objectively so that a pattern can be recognized.

It is best if the mother lies down on the bed and supports herself on the left side of her body. The control should preferably be carried out after one of the daily meals.

The idea is to check the time it takes the child to make at least 10 movements. Performed daily, we find out which frequency is normal for the baby – and we can find out when something unusual is happening.

How often should I feel child movements during the day when I’m pregnant?

Babies can make more than 40 different movements in the womb. For example, it feels very different when you stretch your limbs than when you swim and adopt different positions. Punches, bumps and kicks are some of the typical movements.

Many of these actions are the baby’s reactions to external noises and movements from its mother. Some foods can also encourage more activity in babies. This happens, for example, when consuming sugar.

If you feel the baby several times a day when you are pregnant, this can save the child’s life in the event of complications. This is very important from the 28th week onwards. When in doubt, it is best to see a gynecologist.

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