How Family Problems Harm Pregnancy

Family problems negatively affect pregnancy
How family problems harm pregnancy

Nine months can fly by, but during this time there are many things that can be stressful. Living together in an environment where there are  family problems is not only stressful but can also have negative consequences for pregnancy.

Family problems and disputes do not leave us without a trace. In the case of pregnancy, this situation can even be harmful. So it is better to keep problems away from you. Avoiding emotional disturbances or ups and downs during pregnancy can be of great benefit to both mother and child.

Unfortunately, problems cannot always be avoided. Sometimes they just break in on us, regardless of whether we are pregnant or not. While it is advisable to stay away from anything that could affect our pregnancy, it is not always possible. Financial problems or differences of opinion with the partner are often part of everyday life. However, that can have a bigger impact than we think. When we are expecting a baby we should try to keep our emotional balance as good as possible.

Couple quarrels are one of the common family problems that should be avoided during pregnancy.

How Do Family Problems Harm Pregnancy?

When we feel overwhelmed by family problems, it can pose a health risk. Sometimes it’s just an uncomfortable moment that doesn’t seriously affect us. However  , this could have consequences for pregnant women, as the health and stability of the baby depends on the well-being of the mother.

Stressful situations can harm people in a variety of ways. In pregnant women, constant discussion and worry leads to serious hormonal changes. Any hormonal imbalance can affect the physical and mental system of the fetus: for example, it can lead to premature labor and a premature birth.

The main effects of family problems during pregnancy include:

  • The hormone levels and the nervousness of the pregnant woman can lead to high blood pressure and thus cause premature labor, which in turn results in development problems for the baby. Generally, this situation causes changes in the placenta, which increases the risk to the baby and induces premature delivery.
  • If there are constant family problems and discussions during pregnancy, it also affects the baby and can slow the development of the fetus.  The mother’s depressed mood may also affect the child.

Family problems cause stress in the mother, which adversely affects the child.

  • A baby who suffered from the mother’s depression, stress, or family problems while in the womb can be born light. This is due to the hormonal changes that result from emotional stress during pregnancy.
  • The baby’s brain development can also be affected by sudden changes in the pregnant woman’s emotions. Mainly stress and constant problems cause an imbalance in hormones.
  • Sometimes the child’s behavior problems are due to the mother’s emotional ups and downs during pregnancy. Something like this can be seen in the child’s first two years of life.
  • In the case of very high stress and chronic emotional problems, the mother could even miscarry. Fetal death is one of the most serious consequences of a troubled pregnancy.
  • Child obesity is also a result of hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy. As we know, childhood obesity can often be a trigger for adult obesity or other eating disorders.
  • Because of the slow prenatal development, children can develop asthma and other lung diseases. It is estimated that at least 13% of babies whose mothers have high-stress pregnancies have asthma at birth and during childhood.

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